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Author Topic: Location tracking with motion sensors… & sitting still??  (Read 4921 times)


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Location tracking with motion sensors… & sitting still??
« on: March 14, 2008, 06:40:37 AM »

Hello, I am new at this forum and I have a question.   :D
I am trying to make a macro structure that can figure out if I am still in a room even if I sit still.

Every room is fit with a motion sensor and most of the lights are X10 modules.

Problem I am encountering is that if I enter the living room the motion sensor will turn on setting of a trigger to turn on the lights.
But if I sit still in the room the motion sensor will go off and turn the lights off  :-\

I need a way to make the light stay one in the last room I was seen by a sensor.
Does anyone have an idea?  :'(

HA Dave

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Re: Location tracking with motion sensors… & sitting still??
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2008, 08:28:25 AM »

Problem I am encountering is that if I enter the living room the motion sensor will turn on setting of a trigger to turn on the lights.
But if I sit still in the room the motion sensor will go off and turn the lights off 

You can use a couple macros.... so that the living motion sensor ONLY turns lights ON... but not OFF. As an example... lets say the living room is bordered by a hallway and a dinning room. Those two rooms lights ON would also trigger the living lights OFF.

Of course... that would only work if you live alone... and don't have a pet.

Have you looked at bumping your system up a notch and running a Voice Controlled system in combination with your motion sensors? Many of us [here at the forum] are using Bill's Voice Commander.

Check out the YouTube Video at my BVC Fan Site .
« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 02:17:26 AM by -Bill- (of »
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Re: Location tracking with motion sensors… & sitting still??
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2008, 05:44:08 PM »

As Dave said, you can have macros do that for you. What you have currently done is, you have used the same House/Unit code for your motion sensor and your lamp (for example). This way the motion sensor directly controls your device. An alternate approach would be to use the sensor and the lamp (for example) on two different House/Unit codes.

For example, configure your motion sensor on A1, and your lamp on B1. Now write a macro that runs at A1, and when its run, turn your lamp ON. This way A1 will never turn your lamp OFF.

Hope it makes sense.
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