Hi folks,
I've been reading through this forum and found we all have a lot of issues with the X10 SDK...
I'm using a European CM15, together with AHSDK to regulate my house heating system.
Basically I only send "on" and "off" commands to X10 devices(AP12 and TM13) , using a self developped X10 php class.
About 100 commands per hour.
It's all running on a laptop (low power) with Vista Home Premium.
1st issue: Windows Vista Application log is filling with application crash messages like:
Application défaillante ahcmd.exe, version, horodatage 0x424213d5, module défaillant unknown, version, horodatage 0x00000000, code d’exception 0xc0000005, décalage d’erreur 0x0f00000f, ID du processus 0xea0, heure de début de l’application 0x01c89a10ee284de3.It does not happen at every execution, but roughly every 5 commands.
Is anyone experiencing the same behaviour ? and found a solution ?
2nd issue:Sometimes (a few times per day) ahcmd crashes more severly and causes Windows to catch the exception
and popup an alert message, which hangs the ahcmd process...
I have worked aroung this one by launching the ahcmd in a separate process so that my php does not
wait for the end of ahcmd. At the next switch command I check if the ahcmd is still up and terminate it.
It seems to be working all right, although the Windows alert window remains open, which is ok for me
as the system runs unattended and reboots daily at midnight.
Alternatively I will also terminate the window alert process.
3rd issue:Sometimes (also a few times / day) x10nets service seems to stop responding.
ahcmd still runs but the command does not reach the target X10 device.
The command is not transmitted to the device from ActiveHome Pro either.
In that case, it is sufficient to restart the x10nets service (net stop x10nets; net start x10nets).
Finally, can anyone comment on the versions ?
Active Home Pro : 3.224 (Jan 2008) << european version including smart macros (for those how find them smart...)
ahcmd.exe : (March 2005)
x10nets.exe : (Nov 2001)
x10nets.dll : (Dec 2007)
x10ufx2.sys : (Nov 2006) << device driver...
I'm afraid this is a mix of european and us versions, (europeans tell me there is no SDK for the european version of the CM15)
but it almost allows me to do what I want, so I keep on trying

By the way, after I installed active home pro and the sdk,
Windows Update suggested a new device driver for the CM15, apparently released from ATI Technology...
I tried it (release mentionned above) but had the same issues.
Thanks for commenting or sharing your experience