There is no direct link between AHP/OnAlert and the PS561 base station,
BUT there can be a link between a DS10A triggered by the DS7000 and AHP/OnAlert.

You can do this by having a DS10A that is wired to a UM506. Instead of the DS10A wires going to a magnetic switch, wire them to he UM506 instead. This DS10A is then only registered with ONAlert and NOT in the DS7000 console.
When the DS7000 alarm is tripped, the DS7000 sends an All Lights On/All Units Off. The All Lights On/All Units Off only gets heard by the UM506. The UM506 responds to the All Units Off and turns itself off thereby opening it’s contact and causing the DS10A, which is registered with AHP/OnAlert, to send it’s Tripped code to the OnAlert software via the DS10A/CM15A RF signal.
you can use this to trigger a macro to send an e-mail.
The good part about this setup is that you only need ONE DS10A that is registered with AHP to accomplish a macro trigger. you don't have to register all of your sensor into AHP.