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Author Topic: Suggestions on how to utilize two CM15A's with AHP?  (Read 8185 times)


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Suggestions on how to utilize two CM15A's with AHP?
« on: February 05, 2008, 10:04:52 AM »

Can anyone identify a use for 2 CM15A's with only 1 PC running AHP. I thought maybe to program one with the same codes and macros as the one connected to the AHP PC with the USB and place it in stand alone mode in a location and place where RF range is limited.  Another possible use would be nice as a repeater for sensors far away from the main CM15A and PC, but I don't think they can commmunicate with one another. Maybe, it will just be a spare... Any suggestions.


HA Dave

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Re: Suggestions on how to utilize two CM15A's with AHP?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2008, 02:25:16 PM »

Can anyone identify a use for 2 CM15A's with only 1 PC running AHP..................

Maybe. As a BVC user, I need the CM15A connected to a running PC in order for the Voice (and X10) Commands to be heard. Many of the of my macro's involved with the [Bill's Voice Commander] set-up are stored and ran on the PC. Without a running PC... there is no speech recognition... so why store them on the CM15A interface. The same can be said for email notifications, (PC stored) video recording... and so on.

The use of the PC has restricted the location of my CM15A to within the range of an extended USB cord (16 feet). The [fore-mentioned] Home Automation PC is also located in my basement office... NOT the best location for the [limited RF] CM15A. Having a second CM15A would allow me to save the non-PC executed macro's, and locate that CM15A to a "better" place. I could also use that "stand-alone" CM15A to run macro's that could shut-down and RE-START the Home Automation PC. It isn't really practical to run speech recognition... if I am not home to speak.

Although... separating the functions of PC ran macro's and the interface saved macro's, may keep things clearer in MY MIND.... it would NOT improve or change the performance of the CM15A(s).

 I thought maybe............................  in a location and place where RF range is limited.................  as a repeater for sensors far away from the main CM15A and PC, but I don't think they can commmunicate with one another. Maybe, it will just be a spare... Any suggestions.

spankyboy10... I don't think I would use a CM15A as a repeater. An actual RF repeater of phasecoupler repeater would be a better solution for a very large set-up.

However.... my life has become so dependent on the functions of macro's and Bill's Voice Commander.... having a spare CM15A (even in my spare parts/modules box) could provide some piece of mind. After-all I do keep a spare HA computer loaded and ready as a back-up.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 12:53:02 AM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Suggestions on how to utilize two CM15A's with AHP?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2008, 03:24:33 PM »

There are ways to use two CM15As in  your setup!
I know of a few users that have done this! x10dispatch and Puck are two that come to mind! And If I remember corectly both use it differently!
Puck will most likely chime in with his method!
I believe one needs to be sent not to transceive and have nothing loaded in memory!
Since X10dispatch doesn't get on here regularly it maybe a while before he chimes in! :(
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Re: Suggestions on how to utilize two CM15A's with AHP?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2008, 06:02:45 PM »

I do run a dual CM15A set up. I have both of their RF receiver sections disabled because I now use a V572RF32 Transceiver.

However, here are a couple suggestions if running 2 CM15A's with their RF Receiver's active:

  • 1 Do not have both set to transceive the same house code

  • 2 Do not have the same AHX file loaded in each (you do not want the same macro executing twice from 2 different sources)

  • 3 Make sure you have all modules defined the same in both AHX files (I.E. make sure all lights, appliances, dummy modules, etc. match)

  • 4 Have only macros that can be stored in the interface in the standalone unit; have all macros that require a PC (email, onalert, etc.) in the one connected to the PC 24/7.

  • 5 The CM15As can talk to each other to execute a macro in the other by way of dummy modules on the power line (E.G. If you want a light to come on and email to be sent when motion is detected, the standalone can turn on the light and send a dummy command to the PC unit to trigger an email macro... or have an email macro associated to the light itself.) (P.S. The PC can also have BVC listen to those type of CM15A communications and tell you what is going on ;) )

  • 6 The big advantage of dual CM15As.... 32 Status flags.  :D (Well 30 actually, I found #16 to be the only unreliable one).

I do have a dedicated PC for both of my CM15As, but I do run one as a standalone unit as well. I only connect it to the PC when I'm not home so I have 2 ways of accessing my home system via MyHouse as well as running two X10Dispatcher webservers (on different ports of course).

It's a test of patience to get it all working reliably, but it does give you more control and processing power for how your automation / security will execute. Timing is the biggest issue to be aware of... make sure you know how they interact when PLC signals are sent.
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