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Author Topic: 2 wishes so far-Live Reports and New Pane Catagory HOME  (Read 8061 times)


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2 wishes so far-Live Reports and New Pane Catagory HOME
« on: September 22, 2008, 07:39:50 PM »

So far 2 wishes to share,
  • As wished already by someone to have Live Flag statues, why not have the whole Report file ( General, Macro, Statues) live in an accessed window or such. Would be nice to see the statues of things instead of a snap image and Activity report scrolling.
  • HOME. an addition to the pane window, Home. Where you can draw an outline of you location your system is at. Then using .JPG images of X10 to replace the module and lay them out as they would be in the HOME. As well , allowing us to edit the present square module to make them smaller or larger and have the option to turn off the AUTO align for the module so we can spread them around in a more customized way in each ROOM
A Growing X10 Addict.
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