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Author Topic: voice dialer problem  (Read 5579 times)


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voice dialer problem
« on: January 12, 2008, 01:06:07 PM »

Can someone help me?  I just purchased my system.  I cannot get my DS7000 to dial out and complete a call.  Either to my cell or a land line.  I have programmed numbers in all 4 positions.  When I activate (via PANIC) the siren alarms, the record led goes on......but NO ONE receives a call.  I am able to place a phone into the jack I am utilizing and make a call.  One other thing.  I have a tester that allows me to monitor my phone system without interfering with the calls.  I put this tester on a spare jack.  Activated the alarm (via Panic) and I can hear the console dial out and immediately hear my recorded message being broadcasted.  After a few seconds I can hear a recording,"The number cannot be completed as dialed.  Please check the number and try again." .  Can someone help me?

Bill Hendrickson


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Re: voice dialer problem
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2008, 08:02:42 PM »

When I activate (via PANIC) the siren alarms, the record led goes on......but NO ONE receives a call.

From what I read, the PANIC does not properly dial out (never experimented myself to find out for sure). Try arming your system and then tripping one of the sensors to see if that dials out.


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Re: voice dialer problem
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2008, 09:24:57 AM »

Must activate system--not just panic. I had problem with dial out to cell phone, which is really what you want if you are moving around and want to stay in touch with your system in case of activation. I first tried dialing to a neighbor on their landline and system worked. Look at the x10 "troubleshooting" section on their website for instructions. I was having trouble on cell phone dialout and finally after several tries, someone at x10 mentioned that I must have my cell phone set on "long key length"--it is a setting on your cell phone, which most likely, is set for "short key length". Had it changed by my cell phone guy and wala the cell phone rang on a test intrusion (I only programmed in teh 7 digit cell phone number without area code and a "1".
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