Hi, I use Homeseer as my HA system. I also have an X10 security system and would like to somehow integrate security motion detectors, etc. with my HS system as well as have the ability to send RF security commands to arm and disarm my alarm.
I know there is the W800RF32A and other solutions that receive and some that send X10 commands via RF with HS. I also know HS does not support the CM15a. I am looking to use my CM15a and AHP to run the security side of my system but would like to have AHP and HS somehow interact directly so I can use the CM15a and update status of my security devices duplicated in HS.
For example, motion detector goes off, CM15a picks up signal, communicates with AHP, which in turn tells HS that the sensor went off.
Is there a way to do a plugin to either AHP or HS or both that would allow me to do this.