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Author Topic: Macros containing commands from the Tools menu  (Read 11252 times)

Tony Olson

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Macros containing commands from the Tools menu
« on: December 13, 2008, 05:19:12 PM »

 I would like to have the ability to execute (from macros or timed events) a number of commands from the Tools menu - specifically the "Download Timers and Macros" and "Clear Interface Memory" commands. A great number of folks find themselves executing these commands (to fix problems) a number of times from the AHP program.

I would suggest if these commands could be executed from macros (and timers) they could be set up to execute automatically (as long as the CM15A was attached ) as an automated task and keep things running smoothly even while the owners were away. 

Of course if the "remove batteries" ritual was necessary this wouldn't help, but I've found a good percentage of the time the use of these commands is all that is necessary (sometimes the Clear Interface isn't needed).  -:)

Just a thought.


HA Dave

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Re: Macros containing commands from the Tools menu
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2008, 05:39:38 PM »

(sometimes the Clear Interface isn't needed). 

I've been running a Home Automation Computer 24/7 for the last two (plus) years. Other than the creative changes I make [to the macros and such] the system needs very little maintenance. I've found the occasional restart is all it really needs.

Although I have meant to automate the restart... I have to admit I haven't done so as-of-yet. But it can be easily done using AHP and the third party program PC Companion <link written by Tuicemen (from right here at the forum). By-the-way PC Companion does a whole BUNCH more.
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