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Author Topic: Remoting MS10A & DS10A Sensors  (Read 31831 times)


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Re: Remoting MS10A & DS10A Sensors
« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2008, 09:31:59 AM »

You're going to have to use FLAGS or Phantoms or both.  Set a flag when the door is opened and put a conditional on the macro to not fire if the flag is set - then clear the flag when the door is closed.
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Re: Remoting MS10A & DS10A Sensors
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2008, 09:55:06 AM »

The hourly (or so) signal that gets sent out is the current state of the device. If the door/window sensor is normally closed, then it should not be triggering a macro that is set to run when it sends an open signal. The same principle applies to the MS10A.

Even if you are converting the security module's signal to a PLC with the V572RF32, the same applies. They should be sending an hourly ON or OFF signal with the current state, and your macros should be triggering on only one (ON or OFF) and not both. So make sure your macros are not set to trigger on the normal state.


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Re: Remoting MS10A & DS10A Sensors
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2008, 01:53:44 PM »

Well, I change the macro trigger to use "off" vs "on." Went out to garage and the lights came on and the siren sounded. That was about 1000 this morning. The AHP monitor has not indicated another (false) alarm for almost three I guess the change worked! I assume if I not redo the association between the door/window sensors and the WR thingi and use "off" they should also work OK. Now I just need a way to keep the siren sounding...4 seconds is not going drive an intruder away.


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Re: Remoting MS10A & DS10A Sensors
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2008, 12:52:28 PM »


If what you have works for you and you're happy, don't read any farther.  In reading this thread over again, and reading your post that an OFF triggers lights ON - something ain't right.

If I read correctly, you have an MS10a (Security Motion Sensor) and a DS10a (Door/Window security sensor) in your garage and you want a light and siren to come on when you have the system "armed" and the door/windo opens and/or there is motion inside the garage.

And - you DO NOT have a DS7000, but you have a KeyFob and a V572, and AHP with on_alert and Macros.

IF you register the MS10, the DS10, and the Keyfob with AHP, you can set On-Alert to ARMED and Dis-Armed via the keyfob.  You can then use the sensors as either TRIGGERS, CONDITIONS, or both - BUT IF AND ONLY IF you can get their SECURITY RF to the CM15a and into AHP.  Sounds like you need an SR731 RF repeater to do that.

IF you can't get the sensors' security RF to the CM15 and AHP, but you can get the RF to the V572, then you can do the same stuff, but you have to use PLCs, FLAGS, and Phantoms.

For this scenario - let's assume you can't get the RF to AHP.  Therefore On-Alert will be of no use.

Garage MS10a is G2
Garage DS10a is G4
Garage light is G7
Garage siren is G9
KeyFob is G12
Create a Phantom module P10 with a 2-pin simple appliance module

Fire up the V572 configuration program and CAPTURE the MS10, DS10, and KeyFob, redirecting their signals to G2, G4, and G12 respectively.  Change the default to CLOSE=OFF, OPEN=ON (I suspect the reason you're getting a trigger of OFF to work when you trip a sensor now is because you're using the default Open=Off)

Test it with the activity monitor.  When you cause motion, the MS10 should RF to the V572 - the V572 converts it to a PLC of G2-ON....etc.  Get all that working first.  The KeyFob should return G12-ON for ARM, and G12-OFF for disarm.

If all that works, Write 2 macros G12
Trigger G12=ON
Set FLAG 12

Trigger G12=OFF
Clear FLAG 12


Then write a macro that triggers on G2
Trigger G2=ON - AND- FLAG 12 is SET

Set P10 ON

and a macro for the DS10 - G4
Trigger G4=ON - AND- FLAG 12 is SET

Set P10 ON
Finally a "Sound Alarm" macro P10
Trigger P10=ON

Set G7 ON
Set G9 ON
Set G7 OFF
Set G9 ON
Set G7 ON
Set G9 ON
...etc. and whatever flashing and delays that are needed...
but end with
Set P10 OFF


....................  or if you're happy with what you have, keep it and ignore this.   If I really wanted to have a garage alarm, I'd use a DS7000 because the flashing, siren, arm/disarm, call 4 telephone numbers, etc are all automatic, and much less tempermental than AHP -- and there's no reason you couldn't have another one for the house (on a defferent HC of course!)

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