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Author Topic: Does the video sender do HDTV?  (Read 30473 times)


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Does the video sender do HDTV?
« on: March 08, 2008, 12:05:41 PM »

I have HDTV service through my cable company (cable box), and another HDTV television in my bedroom which just gets basic cable (no cable box).  Will the video sender transmit HDTV signals from my cable box in the den to the television in my bedroom?  I have found nothing in the FAQs, nor anything in the ad that mentions it sends HDTV signals (which take more bandwidth, right?). 

    If it transmits HD signals, X10 needs to update it's website to include this capability.


HA Dave

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Re: Does the video sender do HDTV?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2008, 01:13:12 PM »

Will the video sender transmit HDTV signals from my cable box in the den to the television in my bedroom? 

The short answer is no. But on the bright side... without a (Digital HD) cable box in the bedroom... your getting the same resolution signal you will receive with the sender/receivers. You can find more information about HD here.

HD will change many things... not only video sender/receivers... but what about security cameras? It's not [just] X10 that isn't keeping up.. the entire industry is in flux right now.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2008, 01:17:43 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Does the video sender do HDTV?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2008, 03:51:50 PM »

My bedroom HDTV has a QAM tuner built in.  So I get all the unencrypted digital channels, including those in HD, from my cable service.

However, I do have an HD set top cable box in the family room that handles the encrypted digital channels, and it does have an auxiliary video output which always outputs SD even when it is tuned to a HD channel.  Basically, it letter boxes the HD.  I use that output with my video sender.  Yea, it is only SD, but it is usable.
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Re: Does the video sender do HDTV?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2008, 07:58:34 PM »

My new HDTV; like Walt2; has a QAM tuner in it and I get 18 assorted HD channels now myself.


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The TV in my bedroom also has a HD tuner.
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2008, 08:44:27 PM »

I also get the network HD broadcasts through my "basic cable."  The cable provider gives the HD signal for any local television station which broadcasts in HD.  What I don't get is all of the HD "cable" channels (ESPNHD, DISCHD, etc.)

Lets just say I'll be the first one in line when X10 starts selling a video sender which will also transmit HD signals!  Hopefully it will have a HMDI connection to the receiving television...



HA Dave

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Re: The TV in my bedroom also has a HD tuner.
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2008, 10:05:23 PM »

Lets just say I'll be the first one in line when X10 starts selling a video sender which will also transmit HD signals!  Hopefully it will have a HMDI connection to the receiving television...

Yes... HD is undeniably nice... but also somewhat vague in definition. Is HD 720.. or 1080? Or can HD reach into resolutions twice of what we can purchase today? Why should we settle for HDMI connections... when optical connections could be much better?

Technology is evolving at tremendous speeds... the level of picture quality possible... is NOT static. I expect to see as much change in entertainment systems in the next 15 years... as we saw in computers in the last 15 years. I know that sounds dishearting to anyone that has had expensive computers become too old and too slow... before they were even paid for.

There are are already issues about what compressions rates (used by cable company's) are suitable for video transfer... and that has yet to be standardized ether.
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Brian H

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Re: Does the video sender do HDTV?
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2008, 06:50:32 AM »

Yes Dave. HD has many different protocols and not too clear for new purchasers.

HA Dave

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Re: Does the video sender do HDTV?
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2008, 09:18:49 AM »

Yes Dave. HD has many different protocols and not too clear for new purchasers.

Yeah... if your not a technology freak... it can be overwhelming.

And to be honest I am not sure how directly related it is to home automation ether. I know there are some minor issues with automatically displaying security cameras on a HDTV... but nothing that can't be resolved with checkbook. But the video quality will be noticeably lower. I don't know when HD security cameras will be available... but I know they will be. Motion detection software has evolved to where it may soon replace motion detectors.... completely. I have "face tracking" on a WebCam... that is truly amazing... that would be great as part of my security camera system!

I know having a radio come on (and play music) when a user arrives home is an old mainstay of HA. But many users may prefer to have their MP3's play... or an auto-downloaded podcast play.

I know I have become completely dependent on my Voice Controlled Home Automation! For me... home automation is as much software as hardware. I love what automation and control I have at home. I am NOT a young man. But I am also NOT having any trouble keeping up with the technologies (thank god those old fashion schools taught us how to read).

The future we were promised... is almost here. It's just a darn shame those flying cars didn't work out.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 12:44:20 AM by Dave_x10_L »
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