Bottom Line: Do NOT run the CM15A on the same USB port (via a hub) as the VA11A.
I bought a Dell Latitude laptop to run AHP because my Vista desktop and AHP aren't the best of friends, yet. So I initialized the laptop with XP Pro, SP#2, and all other associated patches & updates. I loaded AHP and all 4 modules, and the x10 drivers. I set it up so that upon boot, LogMeIn and AHP fire. Hardwired to my LinkSys & DSL and I was off and running! Life is good! I can access it like I'm sitting in front of it from anywhere in the world! Yippee!!
Time to add the video!
One USB port. Ka-ching - for only $40, I bought a highly rated Targus 4-in-1 powered USB port and plugged the CM15A and the VA11A into it. Success!!! I can check on my Yorkies by video while I'm at work, the back door snaps & emails me a picture whenever any warm-blooded entity passes within range -
Then... little quirks... like why didn't AHP register that the system is ARMED? A flag & phantom indicate armed???... or why didn't AHP send me an email when my wife tripped the alarm by opening a door without disarming? It usually does! Lots of other little hiccups...but then...
I disconnected the USB hub and ran the CM15A straight into the laptop. No more quirks (but now, no video) - so I dumped the memory, pulled the batteries, re-positioned the SR731, hooked everything back up and all seemed o.k. Then I noticed (with a forehead slap) that most of the quirks happened when there was activity around my back door - where the FloodCam is.
I came up with a theory and ran it by our CTO -
1. The USB hub dumbs-down to 1.0 when connected to the laptop and XP.
2. All problems happened when the FloodCam was active.
3. Stuffing all those signals through a single USB probably exceeded the bandwidth capability and since the video was streaming before and during the CM15A's attempt to talk to the PC, the CM15A lost the fight and the signals didn't make it to AHP.
I confirmed that by leaving it all hooked, but unplugged the FloodCam and ran some use-cases. All was o.k. Plugged-in the FloodCam and triggered it, AHP started "missing" CM15A transmissions. Damn.
So - I guess this weekend will be spent trying to see if I can get the video into the laptop without using the USB port. Any ideas?