One of the features X-10 Appliance or end device module needs to have is to tell the Active Pro software if the appliance is in on condition or off condition. Right now you assume that your device may be on or off depending upon what you are seeing in the Active pro but in reality this may not be the case becuase someone may have turned on the device manually.
If someone turns on an appliance manually, there is no way you can tell the current status of the appliance. That really kills the home automation concept because I want to develop macros that would trigger based upon current on and off condition of the appliance as well.
For example, my kids never turn off the lights in the play room, basemet etc. I want to see from my office if the kids room lights are on or off remotely. This way I can turn them off remotely and save a ton of money in electricity bills. By teh same token Active pro appliance module status should get updated basd upon the current condition of the appliance attached to it.
If the appliance module can have an on and off switch and if it can triiger a signal back to the Active pro software notifying it of its current status, I think the entire X-10 solution jump a leap to next generation home automation.
I understand theere could be ways around to this problem such as each room can have a remote unit to turn on or off an appliance, but that is not a praactical solution.
If the appliance module can detect that there is an electricity flow going through it due to someone manually turning on the appliance then we got kick a__ solution.