Thanks Bill for the chance to beta test this simple yet very nice upgrade!I should say to everyone else. Bill made a code edit/modification/upgrade to BVC... (at my request). I just got the beta version of it (although Bill fully tests everything before even releasing the beta) and wanted to say thanks to Bill (as well as mention the upgrade).
It is a just small addition to the listener list... that will allow me to write a macro that can trigger a silent attention phrase. Before you go:...
saywhat? Let me explain.
With my
S.A.R.A. concept/project I am attempting to get my Home Automation Computer to be more about service than control. Meaning the macros and conditions would see a (programed) likely need for service... and BVC would ask me it I would like... say the TV, or radio turned on.
By setting up devices in device manger (BVC) Like TV, Radio, music. This allows me to say: "Computer" (then I wait for the attention phrase sound) then I would say: "Television ON" (you do need the USB-UIRT for that). But now...
the plan is to set in my chair (the HA PC will see this) BVC will then ask me if I would like the TV or radio on. I can merely reply (in a conversational manner) television on, please (no need not to be polite).
Thanks again for the cool addition Bill!