Yes the table feature is by far one of the more challenging features to use on this forum. Based on some of the small tables I've made, I can feel your pain.
I used Excel to generate the tr & td tags... not "manual," but still not fast.
If all you need is to send X10 Addresses and On Off codes to program the switches. Then many of the controllers may do; though some of them only do Units 1-8.
I have done some with my RR501 and a HR12A palm pad remote.
This will probably be my next attempt. I didn't think of the HR12A & was using an X10 universal remote for some reason. It wasn't working very well, but I've never actually confirmed that it works at all.
Programming many 'Linc modules requires sending a sequence of X10 addresses with no intervening function codes. The SC503 can do this but the RR501 or Mini-Controller can't. Yes, the CM15A with AHP can do it in a macro - I don't think there's a direct command.
Can you provide an example of an AHP macro that would send, for example, an unlock code sequence? It's not that I'm lazy--just out of town & don't have AHP to play with until the weekend...
I though the special codes where only needed for remote setting of scenes and ramp levels. I have used a HR12A and RR501 to do primary X10 addresses in Insteon modules all the time. Yes the house code only special commands can't be done by the unit mentioned by Charles.
I have not programmed the older X10 Linc type so I have no data on needing special codes for everything.
Just as a test, I set one of the "Icon" relay switches' primary addresses with a KR19A and an RR501. I don't remember what the address of the KR19A was, but I wanted to see if the address would take, and it did. The Icon is a nice switch, and programs easily (hold top of paddle for 5 seconds; send address--obviously address+command works; voila) but the Icon doesn't "look" like the rest of the switches I have and I'm going for consistency... which is why after investing some $$ in the discontinued switches, I'm sticking to my guns & not going with Insteon.