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Author Topic: changing the x10 remote control housecode  (Read 3963 times)


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changing the x10 remote control housecode
« on: July 21, 2008, 05:58:19 AM »

Hello guys,

I am new to this forum and I am trying to find a solution to the folowing problem: I have at home the following setup: 40 inwall lights modules AW12 (house codes A1 to A16, B1 to B16, C1 to C8), one transceiver TM13, one computer interface CM11 (this one I don't use) and one Easytouch35 remote control.
I can control everything using the remote, the only problem is when I need to control a housecode B or housecode C light I have to: 1. change the housecode of the transceiver from A to B (or C) and 2. change the housecode of the remote (again from A to B or C). This is taking time and is quite annoying. I found  several solutions for not to manually change the transceiver house code: A. to add 2 more transceivers with house codes B and C; B. to replace the actual transceiver with IRRF7243 RF ( I have read that " If the IRRF7243 is set to house code P, then all commands coming from such a remote control will be converted to powerline using the house code you set in the the remote " ) and the remote control (the easytouch does not solve the second part of my problem anyway); C. to replace the TM13 with V572RF32AE Whole House Transceiver.
I wasn't able to find a solution to my second problem - not to manually change the remote housecode. I was planning to change my remote anyway ( I am not satisfied how it controls my other AV devices) and I am wondering if you can recommend me a remote with the following capabilities: 1. to be able to send all housecodes at a time, 2. to control other AV devices, 3. to be able to perform macros, 4. to be highly customisable, 5. it would be nice if the remote would transmit the X10 commands using RF and the regular AV commands using IR.
Thanks for your help,

dave w

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Re: changing the x10 remote control housecode
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2008, 12:11:51 PM »

1. CM15A is less expensive than the 7243 although the CM15A has range problems. The CM15A is the update of the old CM11 which you are familiar with.

2. The remote you describe is in beta testing by X10, as we speak. Be patient, its coming. ;)
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Re: changing the x10 remote control housecode
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2008, 12:24:17 PM »

...I am wondering if you can recommend me a remote with the following capabilities: 1. to be able to send all housecodes at a time, 2. to control other AV devices, 3. to be able to perform macros, 4. to be highly customizable, 5. it would be nice if the remote would transmit the X10 commands using RF and the regular AV commands using IR....
As Dave said, it's coming and it is worth waiting for! It appears as if it will be the one remote to rule them all. Beta feedback has been very favorable. Can't let all the cats out of the bag but let's say all of the beta testers are very attached to them already. If you aren't already, get on X10's email list. They give you a $15 credit just for signing up and you'll be one of the first to know when the remote is released.
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