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Author Topic: Time not working properly  (Read 9403 times)


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Time not working properly
« on: October 10, 2008, 06:39:04 PM »

I just purchased smart macro so I could have a spotlight come on only at night at the front door where i have a camera setup.

 I Made a smart macro with condition between 2 times, 8:00 PM-2:00 AM to turm light on and camera on and record to pc. well I triggered the macro to test and it turns the flood light on and it was only 4:30 PM. what is the problem? I checked the time and stuff on the interface and it was correct. Checked my PC time and timezone are correct.

This is what I have, M is the house code monitored. M3 is an eagle eye motion sensor, M13 is the spotlight, A1 is the camera.

 I have smart macro set up like this: M3 trigger on, Condition 8:00 pm - 1:00am, M13 on(Spotlight), A1 on(Camera), Record to PC on, Delay 1:00, Record to PC off, A1 off, M13 off. It seems it will turn the light on regardless of time it is what am i doing wrong?


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Re: Time not working properly
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 08:07:57 PM »

Hi scamp68 and welcome to the Forum,

I triggered the macro to test and it turns the flood light on and it was only 4:30 PM. what is the problem?

Did you trigger the Macro by clicking on it or did you trigger it by giving motion in front of the Eagle eye?
Triggering the macro by clicking on it will override the condition. If you went outside and walked by the sensor it should trigger the Macro with conditions working.
Hope that can start to help, if not let us know.



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Re: Time not working properly
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2008, 05:24:27 PM »

I triggered it by pressing M3 on my remote and olso tryed it by walking in front of sensor still the same result light goes on during day. ??? :P :'( >*<


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Re: Time not working properly
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2008, 07:30:48 PM »

I triggered it by pressing M3 on my remote
Since the Macro is M3, pressing the button on the remote is the same as clicking your mouse on the Macro itself, still will trigger and no conditions will be seen.

also tried it by walking in front of sensor still the same result light goes on during day
That shouldn't be so, I assume that since you are having this problem, you have tried to first Save the AHX file and then remove the batteries and wait a few seconds and reinstall the battries and update the CM15. Also then the use of Flags would be an attempt at trying to make the sensor trigger at the right time.

Some one may also shed some more light, or not in your case. I do presume the floodlight is a regular light no sensors on it, what is triggering the light, with a switch or Socket rocket?


HA Dave

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Re: Time not working properly
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2008, 10:52:06 PM »

I have trouble with my macros... when I try to get them to do too much (my CM15A isn't any smarter than I am).

Try writting a whole new macro which turns on a dummy Monitored module at 8PM. Then write yet another macro that turns the dummy Monitored module off (at 4AM).
Then modify your original macro to look for the monitored dummy module (condition if on, then).
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 10:53:48 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Time not working properly
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2008, 06:35:37 PM »

first time post.  can't figure out how to start a new topic so replying here after looking for answer in someone else's post....

5 yr user of CM15A with external antenna, all add ons.  Latest update (3,236) seems to have broken smart macros' am & pm times.  I think am and pm are backwards but have not tested enough to confirm yet.  Anyone else see this and figure a way around?

(if I make a simpe macro to say run when A1 comes on AND time is between 6am & 6pm, it runs outside this window but not inside it.  I just saw post of delay as first statement messes it up so removed those (needed to not conflict with RF repeater added to system to try to get more than 10' on security sensors). 

This is same on two different systems at 2 different locations.


please email me if you have any help as I am not on this often (;  replace -at- with @)


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Re: Time not working properly
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2008, 06:40:15 PM »

This is what I found when I was having trouble with mine if you have AHP running, then you HAVE to make sure that down at the bottom, it says "run macro from PC" save the file, and then try it. If that works, and you dont always run AHP, THEN change it to "run from interface" save the file, download macros, and timers, and close AHP
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