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Author Topic: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............  (Read 28825 times)


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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2008, 01:36:27 PM »

Ok, strange enough, this only works IF I click on "Run Macro" then it will work, but it wont work if I let the eagle eye activate it.

Clicking on the macro "forces" it to execute - it bypasses all of the conditions you have set.

AHHHH, make sense............

I still can't get it to work if I add a time frame in there. The minute I add a time frame in there, it stops working all together, I take it out, it works.


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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2008, 01:57:59 PM »

For TESTING purposes:

Like suppose you had a light next to your desk that was/is "L1".  You'd create a phantom device (most use appliance modules) and address it L1.  Change the trigger of the macro to L1=ON

So when you manually switch the appliance module L1 on (via clicking on it), it would also turn on the L1 light, and trigger the macro, which would wait the DELAY and then DIM the light.  Clicking the phantom L1 would turn the L1 light off. 

Then - once you get everything working, you just change the trigger back to C13.  I hope that's clear.  (and for the gurus out there, you probably don't need the phantom, clicking the lamp module should work, but this is a bit more illustrative - don't you think?)

So when you get the test thing working, then play with the timing.  It's a pain.  Daytime & Nighttime don't work in every instance, so don't bother. 

Setting the between times uses up 2 of the 3 maximum conditions, but since the other condition is a flag, you only have 3.  "Between" times are tricky because X10 does not like to cross over midnight.  So you can reverse it  (I have to check if you can say NOT Between), or you can use "OR"s. 

If the FLAG is clear AND (time is AFTER 10:30 OR Time is BEFORE 5:30) should work.   I'll try it tonight and screen cap the content if I can get it to work.

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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2008, 03:09:19 PM »

For TESTING purposes:

Like suppose you had a light next to your desk that was/is "L1".  You'd create a phantom device (most use appliance modules) and address it L1.  Change the trigger of the macro to L1=ON

So when you manually switch the appliance module L1 on (via clicking on it), it would also turn on the L1 light, and trigger the macro, which would wait the DELAY and then DIM the light.  Clicking the phantom L1 would turn the L1 light off. 

Yeah this is what I have been doing to try and get it to work, instead of walking in there all the time..............I would very much appreciate the screen capture if you can get it to work!! Thanks!!


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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2008, 05:25:26 PM »

1. Tools->Preferences->Smart Macros->SmartMacroInterface=Advanced
2. LightOff Macro clears the FLAG#15
3. Between doesn’t work the way you need, especially when it eats 2 conditions (max is 3)
4. So we’ll use a PHANTOM module that is on whatever your MONITORED H/C is.  (You could use a FLAg, but you’d need a macro to set it)
5. (brand new ergo/natural keyboard, so pardon the typos)
6. You need the FLAG to stop re-entrance every time the MS14a sends an “ON”
7. Pictures are worth 1,000 words, holler if you need more words.
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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2008, 05:45:44 PM »

ok...........PLEASE bare with me here...............

So the "NightPhantom (F15)" is just set up for the sole purpose of the timer, so that the macro won't activate at any other time other than between those hours right?

Also........I notice that your flags are set to the same as this Phantom switch (15), so with the other try's that I was doing, should I have set them to 13?

Thanks for all the help, I will try this when I get home, for some reason my remote connection won't work today.



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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2008, 07:23:22 PM »

No problem - we've all started somewhere - and like I tell my I/T departments, "We're here to help!"

Without going into security sensors, AHP and the CM15A keep track of, or "MONITOR" 32 items so that the system knows at any time the status of those 32 items.  16 of them are called FLAGS, and they are stored in the CM15A.  They are either SET "on" or CLEAR "off" - They're NOT addressed, they're just FLAGS numbered 1 through 16.

The other 16 (of the 32) things that AHP can keep track of are whatever is addressed in the MONITORED HouseCode space. I think (and for the purpose of this) the status of the MONITORED H/C devices is either ON or OFF - I don't think the "DIMMED" status is monitored. 

So let's say you go to TOOLS->HARDWARE CONFIGURATION-> and select HouseCode “C” – The On/OFF status (and on 10%=ON) of all modules that are addressed “C” 1-through16 is maintained in the CM15A.  So any MACRO can use the CONDITION of FLAGs 1-through-16, and/or the ON/OFF status of modules C1-through-C16.  (Given the above, a macro can NOT conditionally operate on the status of module G2, or any module addressed other than “C”.)
I just happened to use FLAG#15 – You can use any one of the 16.  And I named my phantom module F15 – in fact my Phantoms are all “P’s”
It doesn’t matter which FLAG or Phantom you use.  When you have all this working,  you’ll have the Phantom, the MS14A, and the LM14A all at the same address.
In sequence, the MS14A (C13) will detect motion and send a “C13-ON” – which will turn on the light at C13, and flip the PHANTOM C13 switch on, causing the macro DimLight to trigger on C13=ON.  Macro DimLight will check to see if Light C13 has NOT already been dimmed (FLAG#15=OFF) and if the time is between 10:30 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. (Phantom F15=ON) – If BOTH of those CONDITIONS are true, the macro will continue.  It sets FLAG#15 so that while motion continues, and the MS14A continues to send out C13-ON, the macro will ignore them and not pollute the power line with repeated dim commands.  The 5 second delay ensures the C13-ON from the MS14A gets there before the DIM command (and it’s probably not necessary, but what the heck) – and then we get the actual DIM command.
Macro LightOff which triggers on a C13-OFF signal from the MS14A is necessary (and te only thing it does is) to CLEAR FLAG#15 so that when the motion happens again the light gets dimmed.
CAUTION:  I have not run this and there may be a problem with the MS14A and the Light being both on C13.  I’m afraid the subsequent C13-ON’s from the MS14A might raise the light back to 100%.  If not then GREAT.  If it does, all you’d need to do is in change the address of the lamp to something else like C14, and you’d need to add an ELSE so that when the conditions aren’t met, C14 would go to 100% ON.  And you’d need to add a C14-OFF to the LightOFF macro.

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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2008, 08:47:04 PM »

Ok, got it set up just like you have, except for some reason I can't add F15, so I made the phantom one C15 instead, that should be ok right?

SO what is happening, is that it is going to 100%, and then dimming down, even after I turn off the Phantom module

« Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 08:49:19 PM by idbl_fanatic »


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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2008, 08:51:42 PM »



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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2008, 09:03:27 PM »

Ok, I think I got after the macro runs, the next time I go into the kitchen, it SHOULD be 100%, but it's not. It is what the macro set it at. wont shut off

BTW, I do use Logmein, they had replaced our Electric meter today, and my system didn't reboot.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 09:24:08 PM by idbl_fanatic »


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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #24 on: October 23, 2008, 07:28:07 AM »

Well, you didn’t run into the problem I thought you might – but you did find another.  The actual light switch/mofule that you’re using is one of the newer soft-start ones with a memory.  Simple ON commands cause it to ramp-up from 0% to whatever it was last dimmed-to, and the OFF command causes it to ramp-down to 0%.
The OFF should be working.  If the MS14A and the lamp are both addressed as C13, then the MS14A’s OFF signal should turn off the lamp – if that’s not working – there is an issue that is not related to AHP & macros.  Does the AHP Activity Monitor show the C13-OFF command?

To fix your problem, we’re going to have to dump the direct-action scenario of having the MS14A and the Lamp on the same address.  (I don’t use and don’t like that approach, anyway)
Leave the MS14A on C13, but put the lamp on C12 (or any address other than C13 or C14.  The MS14A throws a C14-ON at dusk, and a C14-OFF at dawn.)
The macro with the C13-ON trigger will need an ELSE, and the CONDITION for the else is IF F15=OFF.  Its action is to set C12=100%.  And you’ll have to add a C12-OFF to the C13-OFF triggered macro.
C12 = LM14A Lamp
C13 = MS14A
F15 = NightPhantom – (Set by timer)
FLAG#15 = “Macro control is active”
DimLight – Macro to Dim C12
BrightLight – Macro to set C12 @ 100%
LightsOff – Macro to turn C12=OFF
CM15A Monitored H/C=”F”
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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2008, 11:09:06 AM »

Well, you didn’t run into the problem I thought you might – but you did find another.  The actual light switch/mofule that you’re using is one of the newer soft-start ones with a memory.  Simple ON commands cause it to ramp-up from 0% to whatever it was last dimmed-to, and the OFF command causes it to ramp-down to 0%.
The OFF should be working.  If the MS14A and the lamp are both addressed as C13, then the MS14A’s OFF signal should turn off the lamp – if that’s not working – there is an issue that is not related to AHP & macros.  Does the AHP Activity Monitor show the C13-OFF command?

To fix your problem, we’re going to have to dump the direct-action scenario of having the MS14A and the Lamp on the same address.  (I don’t use and don’t like that approach, anyway)
Leave the MS14A on C13, but put the lamp on C12 (or any address other than C13 or C14.  The MS14A throws a C14-ON at dusk, and a C14-OFF at dawn.)
The macro with the C13-ON trigger will need an ELSE, and the CONDITION for the else is IF F15=OFF.  Its action is to set C12=100%.  And you’ll have to add a C12-OFF to the C13-OFF triggered macro.
C12 = LM14A Lamp
C13 = MS14A
F15 = NightPhantom – (Set by timer)
FLAG#15 = “Macro control is active”
DimLight – Macro to Dim C12
BrightLight – Macro to set C12 @ 100%
LightsOff – Macro to turn C12=OFF
CM15A Monitored H/C=”F”

ok!!! This seems to work, I Won't know for sure until I get home and physically switch the channel of the light switch to C12 THANKS!!!

I was thinking while laying in bed last night that I would need something that turned it on 100% in the "off" times just didnt know how

One more thing, when I tried to add say F15 as a switch, and then add a module status, the F15 doesn't show in there, only all of my C's (C1-16) Why is that?


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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2008, 03:12:16 PM »

One more thing, when I tried to add say F15 as a switch, and then add a module status, the F15 doesn't show in there, only all of my C's (C1-16) Why is that?

Not sure I understand your question. ??? - Nope, I'm sure I don't understand your question... rofl
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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2008, 03:25:10 PM »

One more thing, when I tried to add say F15 as a switch, and then add a module status, the F15 doesn't show in there, only all of my C's (C1-16) Why is that?

Not sure I understand your question. ??? - Nope, I'm sure I don't understand your question... rofl

Ok, so I added a Phantom module and addressed it F15, when I went to add a condition to check status, the module F15 was not there, only all of my C's where there.


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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2008, 03:53:22 PM »

Ok, so I added a Phantom module and addressed it F15, when I went to add a condition to check status, the module F15 was not there, only all of my C's where there.

You can only Monitor 1 house code at a time.  Currently you have AHP set to monitor House Code C.

Please also note that since you are using the LM14a interface for your devices, you will not be able to reliably monitor them with AHP.  AHP will execute extended code bright/dim commands, but it will not show the status of the module or allow you to trigger off the status.  Workaround is to use dummy modules or flags.


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Re: Gonna TRY a smart macro, but...............
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2008, 09:10:15 PM »

Well...................getting seems to work with the timer, however, it still will not go back to 100% after the "dim" macro runs, with the phantom switch off.
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