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Author Topic: Virtually 100% Reliability  (Read 15995 times)


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Virtually 100% Reliability
« on: November 27, 2008, 10:17:18 AM »

I have often said we have virtually 100% reliability with our X10 system.  Our controller issues hundreds of commands a day, and it is very rare that we note that something is not in the expected state.  Last night was one of those.

Our landscape lights normally switch on at deep dusk and off at 10:30 PM.  Last night I saw them switch off just before 9:00 PM.  Since we were having a rare heavy rain here, I thought the GFI powering the transformer might have tripped.  That was not the culprit.

I looked at the Ocelot log, and noted an unexpected X10 OFF command for the landscape lights.  Since that uses a different housecode from the interior lighting that can be controlled manually, only the Ocelot or a Leviton 16400 are able to issue that command.  So, it was not the cat stepping on a Palmpad.  It couldn't have been my XTB-IIR because that is now on my workbench being used as a test bed for the forthcoming firmware upgrade.  (I’m currently using my prototype XTB to boost the Ocelot’s PSC05 output.)

Checking the X10 activity map, there are no unusual devices that might indicate X10 is in use at a nearby home.  So, I have to chalk this one up to an unexplained X10 event, possibly due to the powerline noise that I described previously.  I am anxiously waiting to see if this occurs again so I can hopefully track it to its source.

X-10 automation since the BSR days

HA Dave

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Re: Virtually 100% Reliability
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2008, 10:47:32 AM »

............So, I have to chalk this one up to an unexplained X10 event, possibly due to the powerline noise that I described previously. 

About 2 months ago... while I was watching TV a light came on. The wife swears she wasn't near a remote... and I am as sure that I didn't do it. I figured if I had a macro error... it would happen regularly... but it hasn't happened again. I never researched the event any... and it hasn't reoccurred.. I can't recall the previous error (but sure there have been).

So I guess by most standards we aren't 100%... but I can live with mine.
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Re: Virtually 100% Reliability
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2009, 09:45:05 AM »

We had a classic rocky mountain electrical storm Wednesday night.
That popped a few lights on.

Long live X10! - Because I just like it is all.....


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Re: Virtually 100% Reliability
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2009, 11:03:50 AM »

I thought I had a X10 communication failure about a week ago when the family room light was not on.  The module did not respond to the PalmPad either.  It's one of those RCA lamp modules that were in that package deal.  The code switches have weak springs, and probably marginal connections.  Spinning the switches around a few times got it working again.

That module is near the cat tower, and they probably bumped into it while wrestling around.  The last time that light didn't work, I found the cats had managed to unplug the cord from the lamp module.

I can't count either of those as a X10 control failure.  Other than those that result as a side effect from my XTB testing, I can't recall a legitimate X10 control failure since I put that 4W Lumoform LED bulb on a filter months ago.  That's pretty close to 100%.

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