I currently have a X10 remote camera. It is connected to my PC via the USB port. I'm running the xRay software that looks to be working fine. The xRay software snaps pictures and saves the snapshot on my PC as a jpeg file. I have written my own software that can send the latest snapshot up to my ISP server account, where I can then view the snapshot from a browser(IE) on my PC at work. What I get is a picture of my front porch at home in almost real time.
In general I'm trying to find the software tools that can allow me to write my own XRay software type application. Where can I go to get/find this information? Anyone have source code to the XRay Vision software application I can have?
In general what I want to do is write my own software to be able to capture a picture from the X10 and save it to file on my PC as a jpeg file.
I am hoping/guessing that somewhere there exist a DLL that would allow me to make calls from an application compiled using Microsoft C++ 6.0 where I can capture a frame from the X10 camera and save it as a jpeg file.
Thanks for any guidance.
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
// TODO: Place code here.