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Author Topic: Lynxr-EN and X10 light switches  (Read 6410 times)


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Lynxr-EN and X10 light switches
« on: December 09, 2008, 03:13:40 PM »

Hi, I just got a couple x10 wall rocker switches (WS12A/RWS17) so I could turn on/off certain lights with my remote using the Ademco Lynxr-EN. I wired up the wall switch, and it does turn on/off the light manually, but I can't get the Lynxr-EN to turn it on/off.

I have no idea how I'm supposed to program it with *80. Do light switches even need to be programmed individually through *80 or is it supposed to work automatically?
What should I be setting the House code to on the x10 switch?  It's A-E, but I don't see any option in the Lynxr to set a code to something similar.

Pressing the Light On and Off button on the panel doesn't do anything.

Anyone successfully get x10 light switches to work with the Lynxr?
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