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Author Topic: What causes a "DELAY" to not happen?  (Read 7263 times)


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What causes a "DELAY" to not happen?
« on: December 11, 2008, 08:23:16 AM »

14075    12/10/2008 22:57:31 PM    Receive RF    MS-Liv - Motion Reset
14076    12/10/2008 22:57:31 PM    Receive RF    MS-Liv - Motion Reset

At this time FLAGs 1 & 10 are OFF, F1 and F10 (monitored) are OFF

Macro triggered on F6=OFF which is timed to OFF at 23:00
14077    12/10/2008 22:59:48 PM    Receive    L9 (StairsLight)
14078    12/10/2008 22:59:49 PM    Receive    L Off (StairsLight)

Macro triggered on M1=OFF which is timed to OFF at 23:00
Not shown – FLAG#1=CLEAR, FLAG#10=SET

14079    12/10/2008 22:59:49 PM    Receive    F1 (Day/Night Flag)
14080    12/10/2008 22:59:50 PM    Receive    F Off (Day/Night Flag)
14081    12/10/2008 22:59:50 PM    Receive    F10 (Wake/Evening Flag)
14082    12/10/2008 22:59:50 PM    Receive    F On (Wake/Evening Flag)
Should have DELAYed 10 Seconds
14083    12/10/2008 22:59:51 PM    Receive    O1 (ResetAllLights)
14084    12/10/2008 22:59:51 PM    Receive    O On (ResetAllLights)

The following is Conditional on FLAGS#1&10 being OFF but it runs as though both 1 and 10 are OFF

14085    12/10/2008 22:59:52 PM    Macro    L All Units Off
14086    12/10/2008 22:59:57 PM    Macro    L1 (DiningLamp)
14087    12/10/2008 22:59:57 PM    Macro    L Bright 100(DiningLamp)
14088    12/10/2008 22:59:57 PM    Macro    L Dim 26(DiningLamp)
14089    12/10/2008 22:59:58 PM    Macro    L9 (StairsLight)
14090    12/10/2008 22:59:58 PM    Macro    L On (StairsLight)
14091    12/10/2008 23:00:04 PM    Macro    L3 (DWA Bed Lamp)
14092    12/10/2008 23:00:04 PM    Macro    L Bright 100(DWA Bed Lamp)
14093    12/10/2008 23:00:04 PM    Macro    L Dim 71(DWA Bed Lamp)
14094    12/10/2008 23:00:05 PM    Receive    L All Units Off
14095    12/10/2008 23:00:11 PM    Macro    L7 (OfficeLamp)
14096    12/10/2008 23:00:11 PM    Macro    L Bright 100(OfficeLamp)
14097    12/10/2008 23:00:11 PM    Macro    L Dim 67(OfficeLamp)
There is an L8 On & Dim 65% here that does NOT execute
14098    12/10/2008 23:00:12 PM    Receive    F6 (KeepStairlightON)
14099    12/10/2008 23:00:12 PM    Receive    F Off (KeepStairlightON)
   F6=OFF triggers another macro (I need to fix this)
14100    12/10/2008 23:00:13 PM    Macro    L9 Extended Code 16 31 (StairsLight) L9 is an appliance module and there is NO dim command
14101    12/10/2008 23:00:14 PM    Receive    D6 Extended Code 1c 31

I tried firing the macros with their own timer, and I've tried using a timed phantom - same result.  What gets me is that the DELAY doesn't happen.  O1 has 4 conditional ELSES depending upon the status of the FLAG#1/FLAG#10 condition, so I put the DELAY of 10 seconds in the FLAG-setting macro to ensure there was time for them to register the FLAGs before the O1 macro looked at them for a condition.  M10 is simple - Phantom M10 turns OFF at 23:00 via timer.  Macro M10-OFF is triggered by the phantom going OFF, and it CLEARs FLAG#1, SETs FLAG#10, sets F1=OFF, and F10=ON ("F" is monitored) then it is supposed to DELAY 10 seconds before flipping phantom O1=ON.

Can it be failing because I'm flipping 2 phantoms, and therefore 2 macros both at exactly 23:00?  And yep, tonight one of them is moving to 23:05.

Win-7 - Dell XPS -Automation
VA12a on a dedicated desktop - Video
XTB-IIR & V572RF32

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Re: What causes a "DELAY" to not happen?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2008, 10:13:47 AM »


If you are running AHP V3.326 I believe it's the culprit here.

I do not understand the following "receives" (these should all be transmit statements), but saw something similar when activating a simple AM466 appliance module using V3.326.

14075    12/10/2008 22:57:31 PM    Receive RF    MS-Liv - Motion Reset
14076    12/10/2008 22:57:31 PM    Receive RF    MS-Liv - Motion Reset

At this time FLAGs 1 & 10 are OFF, F1 and F10 (monitored) are OFF

Macro triggered on F6=OFF which is timed to OFF at 23:00
14077    12/10/2008 22:59:48 PM    Receive    L9 (StairsLight)
14078    12/10/2008 22:59:49 PM    Receive    L Off (StairsLight)

Macro triggered on M1=OFF which is timed to OFF at 23:00
Not shown – FLAG#1=CLEAR, FLAG#10=SET

14079    12/10/2008 22:59:49 PM    Receive    F1 (Day/Night Flag)
14080    12/10/2008 22:59:50 PM    Receive    F Off (Day/Night Flag)
14081    12/10/2008 22:59:50 PM    Receive    F10 (Wake/Evening Flag)
14082    12/10/2008 22:59:50 PM    Receive    F On (Wake/Evening Flag)
Should have DELAYed 10 Seconds
14083    12/10/2008 22:59:51 PM    Receive    O1 (ResetAllLights)
14084    12/10/2008 22:59:51 PM    Receive    O On (ResetAllLights)



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Re: What causes a "DELAY" to not happen?
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2008, 07:54:02 AM »

Thanks! I believe I was running 228 (and am now) - I found the CM15 was "remembering" even after clearing and I think I didn't leave the batteries out long enough.  Also, it appeared the macros addressed as "M"' screwed things up.  When not using M as their address, things worked better.

If I can find it, I'll go back to 204.  For now, Merry Christmas!
Win-7 - Dell XPS -Automation
VA12a on a dedicated desktop - Video
XTB-IIR & V572RF32

Remote via LogMeIn (FREE) and Ignition


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Re: What causes a "DELAY" to not happen?
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2008, 10:43:08 AM »

Thanks! I believe I was running 228 (and am now) - I found the CM15 was "remembering" even after clearing and I think I didn't leave the batteries out long enough.  Also, it appeared the macros addressed as "M"' screwed things up.  When not using M as their address, things worked better.

If I can find it, I'll go back to 204.  For now, Merry Christmas!

Well V3.228 was not without some idiosyncrasy's of its own.  Especially if you were running with the V3.326 Driver patch.  I honestly didn't spend much time delving into this.

If you do encounter some wild activity (as you did above), please PM me and send the "ahpeeprom_w.txt".  This is typically located under "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Active Home Professional" for WinXP.

I'd love to see what AHP is instructing the CM15a to do.

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