I spent 3 months convincing my wife that home automation is a great idea. She finally agreed and said she'd buy me some X10 products for Christmas and visited the new web site to make a purchase. There is now no way that I will ever convince her that X10 is a legitimate company. Way to go, X10 management.
The X10 web site has always been annoying and offensive. I've visited before and was bothered by the flashing icons and misleading or missing information, but this has reached a new low.
Adding insult to injury, I called X10 and the rep could not have been more clear with his "kiss off, you're wasting my time" attitude. I did learn from the rep that the president of X10 endorses the web site. He's supposed to be a Brit in his mid 40s. Unbelievable.
I don't need to give my money to this type of company, so I'll look at other alternatives.