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Author Topic: Hal Basic  (Read 16752 times)


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Hal Basic
« on: January 02, 2009, 05:55:32 PM »


New here and new to home security systems.

I've spend several days looking through posts here and on other sites for a system that will first, talk to me, second, monitor my home, third, be accessable through my cell phone.

I do not have a land line. I do have cable for internet. I do not want a monthly service to monitor.

Hal Basic is compatable with X10 and I was considering going that route. Anyone use the two together? Success and/or issues appreciated.



HA Dave

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Re: Hal Basic
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2009, 07:25:49 PM »

......Hal Basic is compatable with X10 and I was considering going that route. Anyone use the two together? Success and/or issues appreciated.

I read about HAL for years myself! I also checked out HomeSeer.... BOTH were budget busters for me!

Here at the forum one of our users (actually a forum admin) wrote a program called BVC (Bill's Voice Commander). I couldn't believe that BVC would work as nearly as well as it does... but I tried it out and was immediately hooked. I am one of... if not the number one.. BVC fan. You will need X10 AHP (with the CM15A interface) and some X10 sensors and/or devices and modules to really use BVC. I created a "baby monitor" microphone system for my BVC setup... (the monitors are hidden) for very little money... and they work GREAT. Oh.... and did I mention Bill's gives away his BVC software for a very small donation.. so he can continue to improve and add-on to BVC.

Here's some handy links that will give you even more information:

My BVC FanSite At that Site is an embedded X10/BVC Video.... I have MORE BVC related videos at my YouTube Channel.

You can download a free trial BVC at Bill's Site:

« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 07:39:52 AM by Dave_x10_L »
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