For Khris , see the post above from me how to get version 3.204 and upgrade to 3.228.
For devedsmith, Your AHP is seriously corrupted, you need to do several things: First: Uninstall AHP, after that, delete all folders relating to AHP: Under Program Files, ActiveHome Pro and under Program Files/Common Files, X10. Then reboot your Computer. Once it is rebooted and Windows loads.
DO NOT keep any .ahx files, they are probably corrupt. Once Windows has fully loaded, install AHP 3.204 and set it up with proper location info. Recreate a basic .ahx file with your modules (if you don't have list of what you have, now is a good time to create one with module type and location.) with timers and any macros and upload that to the CM15A. Once you have done that, update AHP to 3.228 through the update link in AHP.