Since AHP won't trigger a macro from a AllUnitsOff/AllLightsOn signal and many needed a easy way to fire a batch file/exe or shortcut on a security alarm trip I created this little Program!
This is free for the community!
I may add it as an option to my other software builds if the demand is there!

How it works:
Once configured you let it run in the system tray
It watches all x10 activity so you can use it as a monitor as well!
Once it sees a AllLightsOn or AllUnitsOff code it starts to count those commands
If no other code is seen after the 4th AllLightsOn or AllUnitsOff signal it will auto launch the program you have specified!
The Icon in the system tray will start to flash a red then black security shield.
As soon as it sees a signal other then the AllLightsOn or AllUnitsOff signal it will reset its counter
The Icon will continue to flash Until you press the reset button or restart the program.
Update:The download is now available from my
web site Note: this version doesn't work with the SC1200. However the newest version in the PCC plug-in pack does!