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Author Topic: X10 Remote with Access Code?  (Read 8722 times)


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X10 Remote with Access Code?
« on: February 19, 2009, 11:15:54 AM »

Is there any type of option for using a remote with an access code for the X10 home security system.  I would rather mount a remote near the door that requires an access code (similar to most alarm systems) than just carry around a remote on my keychain with an arm/disarm button.  Does anyone know if this type of option is available from X10?

Thanks in Advance,


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Re: X10 Remote with Access Code?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 12:49:21 PM »

The most sought after option. Unfortunately the answer is no.


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Re: X10 Remote with Access Code?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 04:14:38 PM »

It just doesnt seem like ti would be that difficult to produce.



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Re: X10 Remote with Access Code?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2009, 09:48:47 PM »

Is there any type of option for using a remote with an access code for the X10 home security system.  I would rather mount a remote near the door that requires an access code (similar to most alarm systems) than just carry around a remote on my keychain with an arm/disarm button.  Does anyone know if this type of option is available from X10?

Thanks in Advance,

I wish I had pictures and full instructions but I made this so long ago I don't have either, but the approach is pretty simple. It takes roughly 3 key parts, 1 - 10-key garage-door type keypad made for outside mounting, 1 - x-10 Chain Secuity Remote, anda box tp out it in, often the keypads come with this.

So here are a few key things you need in the type of keypad you buy, when the code is activated it needs to just close the contactact momentarily, most garage door types are this style. Second, a little harder to find is that it closes a second set of contact on the second entry, again not that un-common for Garage Door types.

What you do is wire the contacts for Door Close to the "Arm Button" inside the Keychain remote, and the contacts for Open to the DisArm button in the key chain security remote. actually one side can be "common" as long as there is a unique contact for Open and close.

If you are a tad electronically inclined this is like a 1/2 day job tops, I made mine a little more comples, the Garage Door Keypad ran off of 9VDC to I dropped in a DVC regulator chip to power the keyhains remore, you could always opt for batteries if this is more complex then you want to take on, but it is pretty simple, the regulator, a resistor, and small cap, and you have 3V from 9 V. Mine is powered from a wall wart in the garage.

No matter how you decide to power it, you take apart the key chain remote and solder on a couple of wires to the Arm button contacts on the PCB and a couple to the DisArm button, then run them to the keypad contacts. When you put in the code to close the door, it will Arm your DS7000, when you put the code in again to Open, it will disarm your system.

If I was not knee deep in a current project I would draw you up the plans, if you need help, try the news group (nntp) alt.electronics and someone there will almost for sure draw you a picture with detailed instructions, otherwise wait a month or so and I might be able to get to it.



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Re: X10 Remote with Access Code?
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2009, 10:28:53 PM »

By now, many of us know that X10 has released its RemoteRF, which can control the DS7000 like a keypad remote would. I believe it uses four-digit codes to disarm the DS7000. That's definitely a good step for X10.

Unfortunately, if you get the remote, you may still get into situations where a child, the spouse, or someone else may use the remote and possibly misplace it, so it'd do no good if you come into the house looking for your remote RF to disarm your alarm and it's nowhere to be found.

What's really needed is a fixed-location remote keypad. I like your idea WildBill47 and I guess once we have the details, I'd like to look further into it.

However, in looking at another thread (, I see that it is possible to have a universal non-X10 keychain garage door opener learn the X10 code, could there be a generic keypad garage door opener that could do the same?

Has anybody looked into that? That would REALLY do it for me.


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Re: X10 Remote with Access Code?
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2009, 11:13:00 PM »

By now, many of us know that X10 has released its RemoteRF, which can control the DS7000 like a keypad remote would. I believe it uses four-digit codes to disarm the DS7000. That's definitely a good step for X10.

Unfortunately, if you get the remote, you may still get into situations where a child, the spouse, or someone else may use the remote and possibly misplace it, so it'd do no good if you come into the house looking for your remote RF to disarm your alarm and it's nowhere to be found.

What's really needed is a fixed-location remote keypad. I like your idea WildBill47 and I guess once we have the details, I'd like to look further into it.

However, in looking at another thread (, I see that it is possible to have a universal non-X10 keychain garage door opener learn the X10 code, could there be a generic keypad garage door opener that could do the same?

Has anybody looked into that? That would REALLY do it for me.

Well if I can get my X-10 project down, which calls for a mod to the DS7000 then I will take the time to Visio up the design and put out a parts listm,schematics and instructions. Right now I am so mad at X-10 over the no zone light for a motion action on the newer DS7000's, well, enough said. I posted my issue in the Security section, now I am looking for someone that might have an only DS7000 that works like mine *zone light for a MS10A comes on no matter if the system is armed or not, it appears the new 7000 does not. My other option I guess is to wire MS10A's to DS10A;s and use them, thatstill light the zone light even when the system is not armed. My old DS7000 does the same for motion....
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