Man these PowerMids are strong devices!
I had tested one at my cottage and was able to control devices from the dock over 100 feet away!
But that was with simple log constructed building! I figured if I could get half that here in the city I'd be doing well!
I haven't tested the maximum range here yet for this but I'm very impressed with the receiver (RF to IR) sender.
The two PowerMids are 30 feet apart and transmite through many walls and a floor the and receivers antenna is down(not extended)!
I have it on top of the entertainment center, on top of my center channel speaker it pointed away from my devices so the IR signal must bounce of the far wall and return to the devices to turn them on!
Paring these with the VCR Commander is the coolest thing I've done with X10 in ages!I've just created a plug-in for
PC Companion which will unlock many hidden features of the VCR Commander!
With a single emitter fastened to the PowerMid transmiter I can now turn on my TV, change the channel to 93 (the input channel), turn on the VCR, and start recording from a single X10 command!
Four commands strung together is the most I've tested thus far but it is more then enough for me at the moment!
There are 1000 device codes (000-999) so finding one that works with your device may take a while. I lucked out with my TV and VCR but my Panasonic DVD player took a little longer!
I never did attempt my Surround Sound receiver as the IR receiver in it is hit an miss even with its own remote!