Thanks WildBill47! If anybody does this mod please report back here and let me know how it went!
WildBill47, the helpful post setting is right underneath the users name of the left, not so much for me but for anybody that wants to give a helpful to anyone! This is just a very simple mod. I do have another motion sensor mod I will probably post here.
The next mod I will post is one that has already been done with cutting the dusk/dawn sensor. Actually just the way WildBill47 did, but this is for people that don't know how to solder.
Thanks, I figured out the "helpful" right after I posted that. it was one of those "duh" moments, I had seen the link before and just assumed it told you the guidelines or something, then it dawned on me, hmmmm, this is probably how you do it.
Looking forward to your new mod, I take it this will send on/off based on some criteria and given no soldering you have my interest peaked.
BTW -- I did not use a blow dart since I don't have any
I used a 9 1/16" piece of solid copper wire, 24 guage. I made it the roughly 9" because that is 1/4 Wavelength of the 310 MHz frequency that X-10 uses in the US to transmit on. You likely already know this but the closer you are to 1, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, or 1/8 wavelength exactly the more effecient the antenna will be, in many cases like this close is good enough but thought I would add that just for anyone interested.
At 310MHz the ideal length in inches for a vertical antennal is as follows:
Full = 3' 1/4" -- Best you can do, couples the entire wave onto the antenna
3/4 = 2' 3 3/4" -- odd but at 3/4 why not just go full
1/2 = 1' 6 1/8" -- More common, still a tad long
1/4 = 0' 9 1/16" -- Very common, very effective
1/8 = 0' 4 17/32" -- Also very common but not nearly as good a 1/4
PS -- I click on the "helpful for ya"