Keep in mind, I'd like to get feedback on the deals and kits relating to what is included in the packages and your opinion on what would make these kits better/more useful to you. The design and formatting of our E-mails and the website always come up whenever we ask for comments or feedback. I want you all to know that the content and design is always evolving and changing, and it is a constant debate within X10. Some of us love it, some of us hate it, but at the end of the day none of us in this department have final say on what can change.
If your comment on the website or e-mail is in relation to the deal, then I would love to hear it.
So whadda ya saying here Duncan?. "Tell us how to sell more product but don't comment on the marketing attributes of the website". Well take this or leave it, I really don't care.
My employer, a national defence contractor, has now blocked the website because it is considered soft porn and degrading to women. And apparently my employer is not the only one to block for those reasons! That is pretty pathetic. X10 sells remote control home automation and home security products but your web site is considered porno, and blocked.
Also, as long as I am on a rant.
I speaking for myself, am becoming weary of continually carrying X10's water when it comes to dealing with electrical noise and phase coupling problems. X10 protocol is old, but it is still the default, and is still reliable when a solid repeater/coupler is used. X10 has the advantage, in that, the rest of the automation industry is fractionalized and the consumer is waiting to see who will win, Z-Wave, UPB, Insteon, etc. Just like the old days of VHS/Beta and Blue-Ray / HD. X10 could clean -up if you would fix your own act.
Fix your repeaters so they do not lock up or create firestorms when teamed with other X10 products. Jack up the output levels to overwhelm the noise and make one model that a consumer who has trouble putting batteries in a flashlight, could install with out calling an electrician. Educate your customer service to better identify and explain noise and phase coupling problems and then push the repeater products to fix the common problem. Market the repeaters along side AHP, Appliance and Lamp Modules etc, not as a fix, but an enhancement.
But no I do not mean held between the knees of one of your bimbos, floozies, or trollups. Sell your product on merits not implants.
That said, people love the "Buy one and get 24" deals you offer. Keep that up. I know as far as automation products, you make your profit on the Appliance Modules, Wall Switch Modules and Lamp Modules and so we are unlikely to see a "buy one Appliance Module and get five" deal. However try packaging the three popular modules as a "Starter Pack" and sell at some discount.
I have had X10 since 1979 and it is still great stuff. Market it that way.