Wow! you guys have been busy! Good suggestions and I like the way this post is going. Thank you to everyone who's posted so far.
First, I'd like to address and clear up a few things.
So whadda ya saying here Duncan?. "Tell us how to sell more product but don't comment on the marketing attributes of the website". Well take this or leave it, I really don't care.
Commenting on the website is open in this discussion. BUT, and its a big but, the main goal that I am trying to achieve is to determine what your opinions are when it comes to our Kits and Sales packages. So far, the feedback has been great and very useful.
Please try to think of this as a survey. I don't build our packages or have the authority to change the website or the e-mail, but I can pass comments and criticism up to those who do. This does NOT guarantee a change or a new deal, unfortunately. It will still be in the hands of the higher-ups to ultimately decide what is created/changed/etc. But, if I can use everyone's comments to make a case for including phase couplers in a package or a low price add-on remote to bump a order over the minimum for free shipping, that will be beneficial to everyone.
Believe me, there are plenty of people here who would love to take the website in a different direction. At the same time, there are a equal amount who like it the way it is. Internally, we have the same argument that everyone in this forum is having. As of right now, we have been trying to transition over to a less "sexy" style, hence the dinosaurs. If you guys like this better, let us know. I can tell you that we get as many "Where'd the girls go?" e-mails we get "Thank you for no girls" e-mails. Like I said in the first post, its a balancing act, and we try to make all of our customers happy.
To go along with that, don't be afraid to use the "Boring Button" we have on most of our pages. It is reviewed by most of the important people at X10, so comment away. Just make sure that your comment is civil, and it will be read. If you like that there are less girls on the site, you can comment on that too. Positive comments will hold just as much sway as negative ones will.
Thanks everyone again who is participating! I would like to hear from everyone out there, so even if you only own 1 module, or are just considering placing a order, I'd love to hear from you too.