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Author Topic: DS7000 Armed Detection -- WORKING -- UPDATED  (Read 14132 times)


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DS7000 Armed Detection -- WORKING -- UPDATED
« on: April 23, 2009, 07:21:22 PM »

See Changes in RED -- Radical Design Change

This has the caveat "almost" because I think I worked out an answer but I must admit my electronics is a little rusty and I have a few sticking points so I thought I would post what I have found here, see if someone can validate a couple of things for me, the main thing being the pin out assignments of the LM393, another are the values of "Rt and Ct" for 3 Hz. As soon as I am reasonably sure I have a viable design then I'll order the parts, bread board it, wring out any issues and repost as a MOD with full instructions on how to do including the parts list and where you can get them.

Links to my current curcuit:

Radical design change, smoke Test this weekend...

Objective: Turn on an X-10 Camera Systems with the ability to record only when the DS-7000 is Armed.

First I will tell you what this will do when it does work:
1. Armed light comes on, a relay will trigger for 1/4 second and "push" the ON button of a KR19A Keychain remote.
2. Armed Light goes out, another relay will tigger for 1/4 second and push the off button on a KR19A
3. When the Armed light is flashing it will do nothing, the cam system will have already been turned on in Step 1.

Before I get to the circuit, I will say I have tested all of this out but the circuit to detect the Armed state of the DS-7000, something when I started this I thought would be easy, but it turns out that other then in the microcontroller the DS-7000 is designed around the only place there is a solid "Armed" indication electronically is the LED that lights up. This all works perfectly if I push the On/Off buttons on the KR19A manually (or with a relay).

OK -- I tore apart the DS7000 a little more an found a a better place to get the signal, right from between the microcontroller and the LED, so now I have:

LED FLASHING = 3Hz Square wave, 50% duty cycle of 0V and 5VCD

So those are the three conditions I have to work with for this.

1. When the LED comes on I need to Close a NO relay for about 1/4
second (SPST) and then the relay will need to open again and stay
open. (0VDC)

2. When the LED is Off I need to Close another NO relay for about 1/4
second (SPST) and then open again and stay that way until the LED
comes back on. (The 5VDC will still be on)

3. When the Alarm is trigered, Condition 1 will have happened, the LED
will be On and have been on since I Armed the system, but once
triggered, the same LED will start to Flash and will continue to flash
until I reset it. When this happens the relay's don't need to do
anything in fact, I don't want them to do anything, so basically this
flashing condition needs to be ignored.  Condition 3 will only happen
when the systems is armed (Condition 1) and triggered.

The relay contacts will have less than 1.5 VDC at less that 10ma on

Overview of what will actually be going on:
1. I Arm my Alarm and the "On" relay will in essense push an ON button
on an X-10 remote control PCB. This will power on the Camera through
an X-10 Module.
2. A motion detector in the area of the camera will trigger the camera
to actually start to transmit images to an X-10 VCR Commander that will start
a SanDisk recorder to record.
3. After a set time with no motion all of this will stop. (5 minutes)
4. It must be assumed that the X-10 Alarm also get triggered during
all of this since a security motion detector is covering the same area
as the camera motion detector.
5. After a set amount of time the X-10 Security System resets, but the
"Armed" light stays blinking until I reset it, this is one way to know
the system was triggered while I was not home.
6. If the X-10 Security is triggered again before the reset, the LED
still just blinks. (0-5 VDC)
7. When I disarm the system the "Armed" LED will go out (After pressing Security Lights off.
8. The second relay (Off) will push the Off button on the remote PCB
and power down the camera system.

Here is what the block diagram is for all of the parts:

Here is a Timining Diagram for the various states and the relay actions:

Any help would be appreciated....

Any Help?

This works it will now drive off of any LED in the DE-7000, flashing or not it does not care. You can trigger any On or Off or Both from an LED going on or off, that is anything that can be controlled by a Keychain Remote.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 09:55:12 PM by WildBill47 »


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Re: Solution on Bradboard w/DS-7000 Opened
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2009, 10:07:04 PM »

For the tests to this point I had the relays hooked to LED's to see the action. Tomorrow I will wire the contacts to the Remote Contacts. See links at bottom for what it looks like wired on the boradboard and to the DS-7000.

I put it all on the breadboard today and the good news in order:

1. Power-Up and No Smoke!
2. Test of Relay 2 On then Off -- Passed (Simulated Armed)
3. Test of Relay 1 On then Off -- Passed (Simulated DisArm)
4. Test of Relay 1 & 2, no change - Passed (Simulated Flashing)
5. Hooked to X-10 DS-7000 -- No Smoke, No Disruption of DS-7000
6. Test of Relay 2 On then Off -- Passed (Hooked to DS-7000 LED)
7. Test of Relay 1 On then Off -- Passed (Hooked to DS-7000 LED)
8. Test of Relay 1 & 2 no change -- Passed (DS-7000 LED Flashing)
9. Alarm Silanced, LED still flashing, no relay action -- Passed
10. Triggered alarm, LED Flashing, no relay action -- Passed
11. Disarmed System, LED Off -- Relay 2 One Then Off -- Passed

The entire circuit draws 8.6mA, 14mA when a Relay comes on but that is counting the LED lighting, so likely more like 10mA total so the DS-7000 will power it easily.

I have now connected it to the Keychain Remote and that works perfectly also, so now the last thing is to see if I can cram all of this in to the DS-7000 case, if not I guess I will need a little box for it. All I take from the DS7000 is +5VDC@ 10mA, Ground, and the Armed LED signal (0-5VDC).

Note: Considerable credit goes to Jim Thompson from for his outstanding help! Others also pitched in but no where at the level Jim did, would have taken me weeks at least to figure this out without his help.

Once I get this all polished up I will write a build guide step-by-step that will include: the parts list, where you can get them and additional application idea's.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 12:08:15 AM by WildBill47 »
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