Sorry for the newb post, still trying to figure out what is working best for my setup. Right now, I'm mainly using my x10 stuff for security only, but am slowly getting a grasp on other automation techniques. I am using x10dispatcher, mainly because AHP won't send email notifications and I have a Magicjack and the ds7000 won't dial out through it. I have finally got dispatcher to email, message and start a bat to run alertdialer to call out when my light module set to my security system receives the sendplc ON, I have it set to only when armed. Problem is I can't create a macro/dummy module that will capture a remote arm/disarm. I can only do one or the other. When I create the second macro, it tries to tie that one into the first macro
ie: D1 is a dummy module for ARMING, D2 is a dummy module for DISARMING.
I set a macro to turn on D1 when ARM on remote is pressed. I was then going to have x10 dispatcher to monitor D1 for ON to arm the x10dispatcher.
The next macro tried to go just the same, turn on D2 when DISARM is pressed from remote, but it ties it to the first macro with an ELSE statement.
Should it be tied to the first macro, since the trigger is a different key press or just because the remote is seen as a single trigger, regardless of button pressed?
I know this part technically goes in the macro section, but I was wondering how to get x10 dispatcher to remotely ARM/DISARM
Thanks again to all who assist us x10 virgins.