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Author Topic: IconRemote w/USB PC Connection  (Read 11822 times)


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IconRemote w/USB PC Connection
« on: June 11, 2009, 12:07:23 AM »

I have the IR IconRemote and I have to say it is pretty cool but in the "5 minute" set-up you get about as much our it as a 5 buck universal remote. It has taken me weeks to program in all my devices and while I have to say it is pretty slick, the great time it took was setting up all of the devices though the remote.

I am not talking about a radical redesign, most of the guts and brains would still be in the ICR, but with a simple program to let you assigh buttons, build macro's, and lay it all out on your PC and DL the layout to the ICR. The ICR would still have the "learn" function built it to it, all of the IR codes, etc, the program would simply let you do the assignments on your PC, have some nice perks like "copy/clone" a funtion once learned to other devices, and most important a way to make a back-up of your set-up, if my ICR ever failed it gives me nightmares almost to think about having to do all of that again.

I would easily pay an extra 25-50 bucks for such an option.


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Re: IconRemote w/USB PC Connection
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2009, 09:41:35 AM »

I was in the beta program and have had my fully setup icon zapped twice by getting to send it back for code update. Reseting it up was a pain but not as bad as I thought. You get good at it afterwhile.  B:(

Backup and restore via usb or I/R would be a hit with such a complex? remote.
And I agree that setup via it's interface is tedious. somewhat like a cel phone.

It would be nice to have all the code for all the electronic devices in our life that don't work like we think they should. Like a Chevy Trailblazer overthinking environmental control unit.  ::)

I with ya.

Long live X10! - Because I just like it is all.....

dave w

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Re: IconRemote w/USB PC Connection
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2009, 11:57:46 AM »

During the beta for the IR27A, a Icon to PC hook-up for programming,  and the cloneing of IR-27s using thee IR-27s IR capabilities was suggested to X10, who was receptive to the ideas, but liked the PC hook-up since it would allow updating the remote control codes as manufacturers added new remotes.

Bobby J. indicated the feature might be added after the IR-27s release. I'm not holding my breath...but it sure would be nice to program X10 modules by PC rather than by the IR-27 keypad. I think it would be a great selling point for the Icon. Maybe X10 is working on it. More "Wish List" suggestions to that fact can't hurt.

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Re: IconRemote w/USB PC Connection
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2009, 02:40:37 PM »

Wanted to add my 2 cents regarding this topic.
I own a IR, great product and thanks X10 for the remote.
Since I am looking forward to purchase another IR, in this case the RF will be great if I can create macros for my home automation project. I use it to control all my X10 equipment and remember the state of them (ON/OFF). If I can use a PC for program all 5 remotes with the macros for all the rooms and make backups (in case I need to upload new scenerios) will be a total solution not only for me, for all the community. #:)
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