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Author Topic: How do I tell which devices are supported?  (Read 8089 times)


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How do I tell which devices are supported?
« on: June 24, 2009, 03:59:21 PM »

I just completed a successful Proof of concept using the AH SDK and a CM15A.

I created a web app using .ASP, which accepts parameters, Action (sendplc or queryplc), Device (a1...P15) and command (on, off).

I can call the commands through a VB 2008 application using the WebBrowser component.

Everything's working great, though I am having limited success with queryplc (no show stopper).

The purpose of the application is to allow my disabled wife to do home automation.

I am about to send her to the X10 site, and tell her to make up a wish list.  So, I am wondering what devices are supported by the SDK.

For example, I'd love to be able to get her a "Personal Assistance Voice-Dialer" ( ).  But, I am unsure if my application will be able to control it (ie, click an icon in my application to dial one of the pre-programmed numbers).

(She is essentially a nonverbal quadriplegic, so would be unable to push any buttons on the unit.  But, she can access a computer.)

Beyond the compatibility of this specific device, I would like to be able to tell what is compatible, without having to run back here all the time, saying:  "What about this".

Thanks much!

HA Dave

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Re: How do I tell which devices are supported?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 07:21:25 PM »

I don't have an answer to your question(s). I don't own the "Personal Assistance Voice-Dialer" and I don't know much about the SDK programing stuff ether. I do know many of us use the Universal Module (UM506) to "hack" many (even non-X10) devices to make them work. There are also ways to control IR devices using X10.

I am sorry this thread slipped by us here.

My posting will pop it back on top of the digital stack of posts. Hopefully you'll get some more info.
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Re: How do I tell which devices are supported?
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 08:08:54 PM »


Please keep us informed on this project!!!  This has been an x10 dream of mine for some time now.  BVC is great for handi-capable people who are verbal.  Some talk boards have x10 interfaces of some sort.  If I can, I'd be glad to help altough my programming skills aren't all they're cracked up to be.

A perfect use for X10!!!!!
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Re: How do I tell which devices are supported?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2009, 02:34:39 AM »

Well, better late than never, I suppose.   rofl

Most X10 devices are supported by the SDK at one level or another.

As far as the voice dialer, you could always capture the X10 signal and have the computer dial out through a MODEM and deliver a message.  Just "thinking out loud".

If she is "non-verbal", but can click icons and such, I could help you write software to choose words, phrases, and such and have the computer speak for her.

What's the "wish list"?  Think big!  It's all possible!

-Bill- (of

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