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Author Topic: Floodlight turns on by itself randomly  (Read 23816 times)

Brian H

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Re: Floodlight turns on by itself randomly
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2009, 03:42:11 PM »

joshz; Just keep in mind that the EagleEye Motion Sensors have a Dusk/Dawn feature. So if you have lets say motion on M1. M2 is on and off at dusk and dawn. Sometimes this feature is missed when setting up addresses.

EBay seller went in to hiding. That doesn't sound too good.


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Re: Floodlight turns on by itself randomly
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2009, 12:40:32 AM »

Thanks for your suggestion, Brian. I did check my EagleEye motion sensor, and it has no conflict. Oh, yes, I did go out and get another PR511, and this one does seem to be working properly without my changing anything else. So, this pretty much points to the other unit as defective. I've wasted so much time on it :-(

With my limited experience with eBay, I've already run into problems twice. I think I'll give up on them, and stick with Amazon (so far so good with it, keeping my fingers crossed) and local stores (I'm beginning to appreciate them more).

Hope that I was just unlucky this time. With such a supporting community and this latest success, I'm not ready to give up on X10 yet. I'm moving on to install a computer module for interfacing with my security and video surveillance system etc.

Brian H

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Re: Floodlight turns on by itself randomly
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2009, 09:48:13 AM »

I am also cautious with a EBay seller. There are a few that have EBay stores and have good ratings. Some of the unknown sellers I would look at carefully.

Yes if you find what you want in an X10 web special it is very cost effective and many time you end up with a spare or two. That is used in a future project. I do check all the items I receive in a special. On occasion one maybe defective. I had one of the 4 Socket Rockets for the price of one. Have a bad one in the box, from the factory.


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Re: Floodlight turns on by itself randomly
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2009, 10:20:26 AM »

Having had hundreds of successful transactions on eBay, I must say that most eBay sellers are honest people who accurately describe their merchandise.  The several bad transactions include one fellow who was selling fake merchandise, and another was a liquidator.

The liquidator shipped us a different package from what was described and photographed, even though his listing said "what you see is what you get".  We wanted the electrical items that could be clearly seen in the photograph, but they shipped us a different package of electrical items, which were useless to us.  I guess to them all boxes of random electrical stuff were the same.  They stood behind their "all sales final", and would not accept a return.  PayPal was no help.  Shortly thereafter, that liquidator was bounced from eBay, so I suspect others had trouble with him too.

On other transaction, after a hassle proving the merchandise was fake (at our cost), PayPal rebated most of the loss.

There are several large X10 distributers on eBay.  I have bought from all of them, and would recommend them to anyone.

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Re: Floodlight turns on by itself randomly
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2009, 01:26:05 AM »

It didn't look like I was dealing with some rogue eBay seller in the beginning. I've bought a few other X10 items from him without any problem. That was the reason it didn't occur to me that the floodlight was defective and I wasted quite a bit of my time and some from you kind souls trying to get it working. He has 99.9% positive rating. I don't quite understand why he would stop responding to my inquiry. There would be more business to be done if this were handled properly. Oh, well.

I can use a couple of pointers to those eBay dealers you have used for a while. Please PM me if you prefer. I'll need to get a computer module and other stuff for future X10 projects. Thanks!

HA Dave

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Re: Floodlight turns on by itself randomly
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2009, 06:46:59 AM »

It didn't look like I was dealing with some rogue eBay seller in the beginning. I've bought a few other X10 items from him without any problem. ..........
I can use a couple of pointers to those eBay dealers you have used for a while. Please PM me if you prefer. I'll need to get a computer module and other stuff for future X10 projects.

There are lots of great reasons to buy some things from ebay. But the X10 newsletter deals are always a better deal than anything I've ever seen on ebay for X10.

I fail to see the logic of spending MORE money for the privilege buying X10 products from an ebay reseller. And then looking to THIS FORUM (which X10 runs from it's own profits) for solutions.
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Re: Floodlight turns on by itself randomly
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2009, 08:50:22 AM »

I agree that X10's deals can be excellent, and their site should be checked first when something is needed.  But when we need something not currently offered in a X10 package deal, one of the major X10 distributors on eBay is certainly a viable option.

Maybe I missed it, but I have never seen things like the XPPF and XPF filters or XPCP coupler offered in a X10 newletter deal.

X-10 automation since the BSR days

Brian H

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Re: Floodlight turns on by itself randomly
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2009, 09:54:39 AM »

I don't ever remember an XPDF; XPFM or noise filters in any deals and not even easily found on the X10 web pages.
I also don't think the X10Pro repeaters or couplers and noise filters are offered on X10 sales pages.

HA Dave

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Re: Floodlight turns on by itself randomly
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2009, 12:40:48 PM »

I don't ever remember an XPDF; XPFM or noise filters in any deals and not even easily found on the X10 web pages.
I also don't think the X10Pro repeaters or couplers and noise filters are offered on X10 sales pages.

Your right there! And there are good reasons to shop other places (ebay included). I do understand there is an addictive side to ebay. I just don't understand shopping ebay... and paying more.

Profit isn't an easy thing to make. And.. it would be my guess (correct me if you think I am wrong) if X10 fails to make profit... this forum will fail to survive.
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