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Author Topic: AHP gets armed from sh624(Icon Armed Away) but not from KR-10  (Read 9625 times)


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AHP gets armed from sh624(Icon Armed Away) but not from KR-10
« on: September 21, 2009, 02:48:42 PM »

Being so far only a silent reader I got a lot of helpful knowledge from this forum. I could install and configure Security system, some AHP macros. But now I decided to ask if someone got the situation in the subject of this topic. SH624 successfully arms and disarms AHP/Onalert(the Icon at the bottom bar changes from open padlock to red house and back). KR10a registered with AHP does not arm AHP , at least the icon does not change, but arms/disarms DS7000. Activity monitor shows RF Arm and Disarm signals from KR10a, and there is a chance that the ARM state gets changed but not reflected by the icon. How to verify the state? I don't really care about the icon, I need my macro working with condition based on Armed state
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 02:53:50 PM by eaglesvr »


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Re: AHP gets armed from sh624(Icon Armed Away) but not from KR-10
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2009, 08:51:32 AM »

Sounds like you're running AHP 3.236 - and the On-Alert module has the bug you describe.  If so, find Tuicemen's post on how to revert to 3.228.
Of course, there's a cost - The Hi-Def VA12A requires 3.236 (and USB 2.0) - if you're using one, you'll either be able to get correct KR10A signals, or Hi-Def, but not both.
That's why I run 2 AHP systems - 1 for video on 3.236 ($10 Yard-Sale PC), and one for home automation with On-Alert @ 3.228 and the 2 systems talk to each other.

Hope this helps!   >!
Win-7 - Dell XPS -Automation
VA12a on a dedicated desktop - Video
XTB-IIR & V572RF32

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