I've never been a big user of voice recognition in my automation setup it was nice to have but I found I was always using other methods for input.
The other day I had a chance to load some Voice Recognition software to Windows 8 on a laptop.
Being a laptop and not having an external mic I wasn't expecting much.

:'Wow was I wrong.

Using the built in mic my commands were never missed, never did I have to repeat myself(something I wasn't use to).
The stock Voices, 3 in total also rock.
There are some things I don't like about Windows 8 but for Voice recognition and TTS response this OS blew me away.
Looks Like I'll need to upgrade my HA PC to Windows 8.
Now I know a good piece of Voice recognition software will make a difference but this wasn't high end software.
I don't like to think the software was low end either(I made it).