AHA! IS THIS THE FIX?? I have had washed out video and NO SNAPSHOT button action or saves since going back to 3.228 either! I will now try back to 3.326!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
remember, I too have been fighting no video since going back to ver 3.228.........
- loading....loading....loading javascript:void(0); drinking..... drinking....drinking....
- Ahem! Ahp updated from 3.228 to 3.236: and the winner is:::::::;
yawn.... welll..... ahp update to 3.236 stuck, doing nothing waiting on 'skipping check for windows components'....
- javascript:void(0); enjoying the wait some more!..........
- BTW, while waiting, I can tell you that ahp, since uninstalling 3.236, has never since given me back a - UNDELETE option for itself.... remember this is win7....
- bingo! wait is over (1 beer & 40 sec later:) and installing update....wow it is slow now... stuck at 23% download on ahp.dll - ya, I know it is like 7mb bigt but 7mb on my dsl takes like 15 sec!
- but this is good! more time to reflect on the meaning of life (actually time to go to the refridge and get another beer without missing anything - thank you x10!).............
- well, beer runover so time to kill it and try again....
- hmmmm, at this rate I will not be able to type intelligently into the computer soon....
- Bingo again! got it in 40 sec flat! did not install iwitness 3.236 yet tho - though it best to try part way and see what happens....
- cool beans! got my snapshot switch back! but now whitewash video is GONE! unfortunately now I get black screen instead of videa - no fear tho! I still have ver 3.228 iwitness installed..... got 1/2 a beer left so time enough to upgrade iwitness next.....
- BTW, I hope this is of value to someone else... if not tell me and I will refrain from this fun in the future.....
on to iwitness update...... interesting they still call the file name iwatchout_236....wish they could get consistent!
- as Sgt Schultz would say, VERY interesting................... on ver 3.204/228 it NEVER once during install stated installing drivers for va12...- just va11.... now it does!
- the good news: I still now have snapshot sound back & looking in the directory, finally have pix again too!!!!!!!!!!! the bad news is the pix, like the camera views, are all pure black. but I can live with this!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS BETTER THAN washed out white!!!! hemm... lets get back to trying to fix this puppy....
- what to try next? BTW, if I got paid by the number of hours I spent on this x10 stuff I would have retired about 5 years ago.....
- what next.... let's see if va12 is still in the device mgr list: yep, sure enoguh. drive is ver dated 1/17/07....
- now I can try a reboot or try the newer driver dwnload for vista/win7 mentioned elsewhere on this forum....
-I'm going for the new driver load to ver 3.239.... file name on x10 website: x10drivers_6432_239.exe
- time enough during install for last beer of the evening.... back in a minute..... says system must be rebooted... nonsense....
- guess not nonsense. still back screen on video. crud. reboot next.. I will pick up this where I left off later tonight after reboot......