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Author Topic: Painting Palmpad (with Pics)  (Read 3828 times)


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Painting Palmpad (with Pics)
« on: November 30, 2009, 01:32:16 AM »

I wanted to have a custom color to match my wall and since it is blue, I really doubt X10 will be making that any time soon.  It is actually quite easy to paint the controller a custom color.

What you will need:

- Plastic Primer
- Spray Paint of your desired color
- Clear Coat
- Paper and double sided tape
- Small phillips screwdriver
- Oven (optional)

Step 1:
Disassemble the controller by removing the 4 screws and prying it apart with a flat head screwdriver.  Remove the little blob of hot glue adhesive that is holding the wires in place.  Remove the tabs that make the connection with the batteries by pushing the from the outside in.  The rest should be pretty obvious.

Step 2:
(Just my way, do as you please)
Fold up a piece of paper, as shown, and put a piece of tape where the bend is made (see picture).  This will keep it from wobbling.  Attach the piece of paper to the controller with double sided tape.  Do this for both sides.

Step 3:
Apply a coat or two of plastic primer per the mnfr directions.  Note I show this inside, but should be sprayed outside or in a well ventilated area.  Apply the colored paint per mnfr directions.  Note to spray the inner lip on the battery case side of the controller.  I did not as the result is shown in the picture.  Apply the clear coat, again per mnfr directions and let everything dry.  I was in a hurry so I threw it in the over at 175F to speed up the process.  If its even slightly tacky, don't try to reassemble it or you will mess up all of your work.

Step 4:
Reassemble it making sure to place the board in nice and tight.  You will have to give it a little force to snap it back into place, but if you find yourself pressing real hard, start over and make sure the board is seated correctly.

--- Next I am working on painting the buttons themselves as well as experimenting with glow in the dark paints and powders.

Brian H

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Re: Painting Palmpad (with Pics)
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2009, 06:06:14 AM »

Great write up.  >!
Thanks for sharing.
Helpful from me.
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