I have a land line but if the power goes out for more than an hour. The phones go dead. Seem there is a phone equipment shack at the end of my road and its batteries last about an hour. 
If it is going to be a real long time with out power. They sometimes park a trailer full of batteries next to the shack and connect it to a battery jack on the side of it.
My understanding of the near-monopoly enjoyed by local telephone companies (for land line service) was that they are required by FCC regulation to provide uninterrupted service to the local subscriber. If you lose power on your phone lines, you might have cause to contact the FCC.
All the local telco's I've worked with have the UPS batteries at each local office.
This does not include the features, such as speed dial, etc on a land line phone that has a electrical connection to one of your outlets. This also excludes business installations that have a PBX or a multi-line key system.
A lot of businesses with sophisticated phone systems also have one or more traditional land lines for the sole reason of being able to make calls during an extended power outage at their site and their UPS batteries are exhausted.
The basic phone service such as dial tone and the ability to make and receive calls are supposed to always be there for residential users.