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Author Topic: just purchased x-10  (Read 20821 times)

dave w

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Re: just purchased x-10
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2010, 09:57:23 AM »

Could this system be itegrated into mine?
I thought HAL was the original software for HomeBase but that as way wrong.

I can't even find who made HomeBase, but did find this

Which states HomeBase and JDS Time Commander Plus are similar. Hal 2000 claims to interface to JDS TCP so Home Automated Living might be able to answer your question. BTW, I believe HomeBase Pro is HomeBase with expanded I/O.

ALso JDS has been around since the mid 1980's so if you decided to rip out HomeBase because of obsolescence but still want hardwire and X10 automation, you might look at JDS.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 10:04:26 AM by dave w »
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Re: just purchased x-10
« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2010, 11:49:03 PM »

 B:( B:( the heating unit is blowing cold...i think i'm falling even deeper into the abyss here. In the most simple there ANY way to enter new house and/or unit codes on the homeBase pro system(or anything else) using mini and maxi controllers to at least control the heat??


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Re: just purchased x-10
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2010, 12:44:27 AM »

Camelot, x10 does not make any heating controls.  The best I have seen from them is a thermostat setback controller which is just a little box that gets mounted under your thermostat that fools it into thinking it is warmer than it is.

First off, to get you SOME temporary heat.  open the panel on your furnace and look for where a set of colored wires are attached.  Look for a red and a white wire.  This should be 24 volts AC (red wire), and heat (white wire, may be connected to a terminal labeled W, W1 or W2).  If you have a volt meter , check between the red wire and either a blue, black or brown wire.  If you read 24 volts there, take a short piece of wire and connect between the terminals where the red and white wires are connected.  This should turn on the heat stage of your furnace.  If you want for now you can connect a switch between these two until you get this figured out.  Here is some information on furnace wiring and how to figure out the other wire colors if you need to

NOW, follow the set of colored wires that you found in the previous step.  See if they go to some other kind of box/controller.  If so, see if you can find any kind of brand or model number on it.  If you find such a box, see if there are any other wires run to it, and where they go.  You may find that they run to your homebase controller.  If so, you may want to just wire in a thermostat yourself.  Here is some info on wiring in a thermostat should you need to go that route.

I hope some of this information is helpful.

Dan Bemowski

Dan Bemowski
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User of any X10 products I can get my hands on.

dave w

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Re: just purchased x-10
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2010, 09:35:27 AM »

B:( B:( the heating unit is blowing cold...i think i'm falling even deeper into the abyss here. In the most simple there ANY way to enter new house and/or unit codes on the homeBase pro system(or anything else) using mini and maxi controllers to at least control the heat??
From your descriptions the HVAC temp sensors (two of them, you said) are hard wired to HomeBase and HomeBase is then hardwired to the furnace. Although you said X10 commands could start and stop the furnace HomeBase is in charge of all the regulation. Which apparently ain't happening.

dbemowsk is suggesting a workaround which should get you unregulated heat.

Those two wall boxes in the two rooms are probably temperature sensors, hard wired to HomeBase (are either of them near cold air return?). At minimum these will be a twisted pair, but if you are real lucky they could be wired with conventional thermostat wire and you could substitute a cheap HVAC thermostat. You would then have to find where that line is wired to HomeBase and rewire to the furnace control line (which should be also wired into HomeBase). This would take HomeBase out of the loop and give you normal temperature control. Since HomeBase isn't around anymore I would consider replacing with JDS Time commander Pro or similar. Otherwise Dave X10 suggestion ripping the whole thing out might look good to you right now.
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