I've been using the X10 switches at my home for two years now. Simple, stuff turning lights on and off automatically. When I bought the stuff, I also bought a couple motion detectors and decided to hook it up next weekend.
I was going to put the unit outside by my garage, so if it detects movement, it will turn on a group of outside lights for about 5 minutes.
My question, if it is during the 'normal' time when the lights are turned on anyway, how do I get the macro to NOT turn the lights on after the 5 minutes?
My current setup turns the lights on at dusk and off at 10 p.m. So, if the motion detector detects movement at 9 p.m., I don't want it to turn the lights off at 9:05. However, if it detects movement at 11 p.m., I do want it to tturn the lights on for 5 minutes.
Thanks, Dennis