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Author Topic: How to install - drivers or SDK or both?  (Read 7717 times)


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How to install - drivers or SDK or both?
« on: January 07, 2010, 09:04:13 AM »

I recently procured a CM19A for the purposes of power-cycling my router using a transceiver module.

I first started by installing the drivers (version 3.239) for my system. I found, however, that even with the drivers installed, I didn't have any X10.ActiveHome COM object that could be loaded.

So I did some searching, and I found this SDK, but when the SDK runs, apparently it also installs drivers.

So this raises a few questions:

1) If I want to use ahcmd.exe or the X10.ActiveHome object, do I need to first install the drivers, or is it sufficient to just install the SDK? (hint, I think the answer is no, because I tried installing just the SDK, and I couldn't get it to work).

2) If I have to install both the drivers and the SDK, is there a preferred order to install them?

3) Is it possible to install just the drivers, and then include some steps with my software to enable the X10.ActiveHome object the same way as the SDK does?

Much obliged,


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Re: How to install - drivers or SDK or both?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2010, 09:49:25 AM »

Is there anyone to answer these questions?


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Re: How to install - drivers or SDK or both?
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2010, 12:23:06 PM »

I think I've answered the questions myself.

Since the drivers appear to be more readily updated and maintained than the SDK, I wanted to avoid installing the SDK, which attempts to install older versions of apparently the same drivers. However, the drivers don't supply the ActiveX scripting component provided by the SDK.

So here's what I did to get a clean install without installing the SDK. First, from an existing install of the SDK, I copied the contents of the 'bin' directory from the AHSDK install. Then, on a clean machine I followed the following steps to enable the AH SDK.

1) Connect the device (in my case CM19A) and install the latest drivers from the website.
2) Copy bin/ahscript.dll from the saved SDK files to "%programfiles%\Common Files\X10\Common".
3) Register the dll with 'regsvr32 "%programfiles%\Common Files\X10\Common\ahscript.dll"'.

You may now use ahcmd.exe or other 32-bit COM hosts to load the X10.ActiveHome object.

Note, it's not necessary to store ahscript.dll in the some directory as the X10\Common files, but I chose that location for consistency. To reverse this process (uninstall), just run 'regsvr32 /u "%programfiles%\Common Files\X10\Common\ahscript.dll"' and uninstall the drivers normally.

Also, note that if you're on a 64-bit OS, you will want to use the 32-bit command prompt for %programfiles% to refer to the correct location (normally C:\Program Files (x86)).
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