That IS one area where X10 is lacking... IR cameras...
I use both X10 and IR cameras... although I am also a BIG PROPONENT of regular (non-IR cameras) as well.
I like having one big, honking, chunky, IR camera (I have mine on a Ninja) so any would be intruders... should be able to see I have cameras. Cameras are just as good as a deterrent as the alarm sign and stickers and the several floodlights I have. The big IR camera even glows pinkish at night.
But then since I do have all the extra floodlights... I really have no need for IR cameras. And whereas it is really nice to have a camera that can be easily spotted... the tiny little tough-as-nails X10 cameras are pretty easy to hide. And since just looking away from the camera... can completely defeat its usefulness.... little hard-to-spot cameras are really important too. Plus.. the little X10 cams can look out a window from the inside. You can't do that easily with an IR cam.
X10 was the first to introduce little affordable home security cameras. Unfortunately... IMHO.. they seem dead set on just riding on the success obtained with these cameras. It would be so easy to produce an IR version of the camera(s). Or even just make a plastic bubble housing.. to convert the standard camera into a tamper-proof dome camera.
The Vanguard and Sentinel cameras are world class top-of-the-line. And worth every penny they ask for them. But it would be nice to have something between the good for less than 20 feet (X10 cam) and the Vanguard quality... that you can use to read the date on a coin at 20 feet.
By the way... I've mentioned using birdhouses for hiding (and moving around) the X10 cams for years. I collected the attached image... just today.