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Author Topic: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering  (Read 39623 times)


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Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« on: April 08, 2010, 08:15:33 PM »

Hello all-

Well, color me frustrated, but I've reached the breaking point.  My wife keeps asking me "when will it work?"  And you know what?  I have no answer for her.  I finally got my macros to work (motion sensor sees movement, turns on camera, takes, pics, shut off), but when I installed the camera and motion sensors by my front door "in place", nothing works.  I've checked the activity logs, and most of the time it sends and receives all the commands that should be making it work.  (I do jumping jacks in front of hte motion sensor until I finally see the red light, run in and find out if the PC received the signal)  However, something gets lost on the way- my macro only sometimes makes it to the PC that's controlling the Activehome setup, and on only 1 out of 8 times did it actually trigger a series of photos.  There's no lead walls between the motion sensor and pc, and it's about 15 feet or so from pc to camera/motion sensor, maybe only 10 feet from cam/sensor to the nearest CM-15A.
I've heard it all from tech support, from trying all the house codes to "you must have a poltergeist."  Not very reassuring, since I paid $170 for cameras that only record video when I manually tell them to.  Not much good at 3 am. 
Is there a way to make my signal stronger?  Should I be doing a CM-15A antenna mod? 
Can anybody help me with this?  This is just ridiculous.  I don't have time to waste hours each day trying to get my security setup to work one tiny bit at a time.  As far as I can tell, the system thinks it's working, but obviously not. 

Please, please help, I'm at the end of my rope...


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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 08:40:52 PM »

ps- I have a timer for the lights that are located directly above my camera and motion sensor, and the timer works every day, never fail, so the signal is getting from my CM-15A to the lights without getting lost.  I realize that a video macro must be stored on the pc, but somebody must have some advice.
Maybe I should just ask it this way- how many people have a WORKING security cam setup?  Motion sensor triggers camera, camera records video or pics, activehome doesn't crash?



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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2010, 02:12:30 AM »

Ryan... as you have figured, the motion detectors send an RF signal. Sometimes that signal just doesn't make it reliably to the transceiver plugged into your computer.... (and the antenna mod will help ... some). What you might try is putting a plug in transceiver into an outlet closer to the motion sensor, set to the code for the motion sensor. (I put my cameras on Housecode C). Then you can more reliably receive the signal via house power lines. I recommend using the RR501 transceiver, it is better than the 751 IMHO and you can POLL it.

I will tell you as well that I have some startling variations between various modules of the same item... quality control is not the best sometimes... and sometimes just trying a different sensor can do the trick. Supposedly the x10 pro line is a little better quality control wise, although I cannot vouch for accuracy of that statement myself.

I have an older X-10 RF repeater, now apparently out of stock and no new ones out there that I know if... that can help if you can find one, but it does not guard against collisions like the RR501 does.

And, thanks, I am glad to know I am not the only one who has done jumping jacks in front of a motion sensor.

Hope this helps.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 04:02:39 AM by glacier991 »

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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2010, 06:20:01 AM »

The antenna mod may help. Try a temporary reversable one as a test. Take some wire and warp it around the CM15A antenna with maybe an added 9" above the original. That way if it doesn't show a improvement. You have not physically done anything to the CM15A.

Standard question these days. What version of AHP are you using?
Could you give us more details on your exact setup.


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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2010, 06:31:10 AM »

Try the passive radiator antenna as discribed by J Volp. Rubber band a piece of wire to the motion sensor. I used 9.5 inches which is 1/4 wave, This worked for me. I also did the antenna mod on the cm15.


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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2010, 04:25:48 PM »

Try the passive radiator antenna as discribed by J Volp. Rubber band a piece of wire to the motion sensor. I used 9.5 inches which is 1/4 wave, This worked for me. I also did the antenna mod on the cm15.

is this the link?



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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2010, 11:32:00 AM »

Ok, here's the latest.  I have macros that work.  I use an MS-14 to trigger a phantom switch that in turn triggers the security cam and a light for illumination at night.  They work fine, even taking the right number of pictures.  However, when the motion sensor is 'in place', the macros no longer trigger.  I tried swapping them out with space sensors, and no change.  When I hold an MS-14 right next to the PC with Activehome and the CM19 on it, everything triggers beautifully.  When I move the Ms-14 closer to the front door, I still get the RF received signal, but no macro triggers.  This is, in my mind, an RF issue, but for the life of me I don't know what to do.  I've tried the passive antenna mods on the CM-15A and Ms-14, but no joy.  As I said, the RF signal for 'motion on' is received no matter where the motion sensor is, but unless the damn thing is within 3 feet of my PC, it will not trigger a macro. 
Is there a problem with having too many transceiver units?  I have two CM-15A's as well as the CM-19 that came with the cameras.  I also have a TM-751 that I have no idea what to do with...

dave w

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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2010, 12:01:57 PM »

As I said, the RF signal for 'motion on' is received no matter where the motion sensor is, but unless the damn thing is within 3 feet of my PC, it will not trigger a macro. 
Is there a problem with having too many transceiver units?  I have two CM-15A's as well as the CM-19 that came with the cameras.  I also have a TM-751 that I have no idea what to do with...
Yes too many tranceivers can step on each other if there is a TM751 in the mix. The CM15A's are polite and will check the lines for other PLC codes before putting their own on the line. However the TM751 blindly transmits PLC as soon as it receives the RF, and can corrupt any other PLC codes being trnasmitted (i.e if CM15A begins transmitting first and TM751 receives the same RF, the TM751 will trample the CM15A and nothing will happen).

1. Try everything using only one CM15A and no other tranceiver.
2. What is your AHP activity log showing after the motion sensor is received?

PS what are you calling a "space sensor"? 
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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2010, 03:06:23 PM »

Yes too many tranceivers can step on each other if there is a TM751 in the mix. The CM15A's are polite and will check the lines for other PLC codes before putting their own on the line. However the TM751 blindly transmits PLC as soon as it receives the RF, and can corrupt any other PLC codes being trnasmitted (i.e if CM15A begins transmitting first and TM751 receives the same RF, the TM751 will trample the CM15A and nothing will happen).

1. Try everything using only one CM15A and no other tranceiver.
2. What is your AHP activity log showing after the motion sensor is received?

Ok, making progress of a sort... I went back to a single CM-15A.  I can manually trigger events anywhere in the house, so powerline transmission seems to be adequate.  I receive the motion sensor signal and macros run via the activity log.  RF reception to my motion sensors is weak for one and none for the other. 
When I plug in my other CM-15A (near the backyard motion sensor), that unit catches RF signals (motion sensor on) and sends them to Activehome, which triggers macros (again showing up in the log).  When I use my "spare" sensor (sorry for confusion, it was a typo!) to test ranges, here's where I get into problems.
My rear MS-14 is in range of my old CM-15A in the dinette.  My other CM-15A, which by necessity must be plugged into my PC in order to run Iwatchout and Onalert, is too far away from my front door MS-14, plus it's sitting in a rat's nest of computers and electronic gear, which I acknowledge is likely causing reception problems there.  I can't move that CM-15A closer to the door, and I can't move my front door MS-14 closer to the PC or other CM-15A, so I'm cut short.  When I plug in the CM19A which came with the cameras, then I have problems running macros from the MS-14 at the front door.  Sometimes I only get the RF received signal in the log, sometimes the macro works but is delayed up to 30 seconds. 
So, my diagnosis as of now- I need to get the signal from the front MS-14 to a receiver, because it's falling short.  I hesitate use the CM19 because it seems to cause reception problems with the CM-15 plugged in there also.  Besides, I'm under the impression that since I have CM15s and am running the software anyway, I don't need the CM19 to switch camera feeds.
I have a TM751 (which I haven't used yet because of all the tales of it not playing nice with others).  Could I use this for the front motion sensor to send the signal to the PC/CM15? 
It seems like I'm SO close to making this darn thing work, because I can see at various times the individual elements in action, but it just never quite comes together.  I've been very disappointed by X10's customer support, with solutions ranging from 'reinstall everything' to me waiting after a day for a Level 2 tech guy to supposedly call me.  Pretty sure I've been bailed on. 
Thanks for any suggestions...

dave w

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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2010, 04:30:03 PM »

Pretty confusing but here is some thoughts. I think you have contention problems between the multiple CM15As and the CM19A (which you don't need if using the CM15A). And I think you have a RF receive sensitivity problem with the CM15A, which isn't surprising since the CM15A has pathetic antennas on the receiver and the transmitter (the transmitter antenna is internal).

If were me, I would do this:
1. The CM15A receives RF from X10 remotes, Tranceives RF to PLC, and will transmit RF commands, so you don't need the CM19A, take it out of the mix.
2. Use only one CM15A and either perform the antenna mod to increase receive range of the CM15A or get a 3rd party transceiver like the WGL.
3. Get a PLC repeater like the XTBIIR or ACT234.

The "F" connector antenna mod for the CM15A is the most involved and requires case modification and soldering on the CM15A, obviously voiding the warranty, but yields the best gains. Extending the current CM15A antenna by wrapping a longer wire around it also works, but not as well as the "F" connector mod.  Search "antenna mod" for more information if you have not already seen descriptions of these mods.

After the antenna mod, if you still can not pick up a very remote motion sensor, (the mod should get you reception a good 60 feet radius from the CM15A) then try the "passive repeater" or "passive antenna" mod (search both terms) on the MS14A. The simplest is to hot glue an 18" wire on the left side of the motion sensor case. Your search should turn up instructions. Let me know if you can't find them. Finally work on one problem at a time.

It'll work, just gotta coax it a little.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 04:32:18 PM by dave w »
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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2010, 08:33:51 AM »

I've done exactly what you've suggested, and it is slowly coming together.  I may still have to invest in a repeater, but for now it's working 'good enough'.  At least, good enough that I can convince my wife that the cost was justified  :-)
I'll be experimenting with Myhomeonline next, though I'm trying to find that other program most people suggest using...

Thanks again everyone!

dave w

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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2010, 11:52:33 AM »

I've done exactly what you've suggested, and it is slowly coming together.  
(Blind pig finds truffle) 

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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2010, 06:28:09 AM »

What will the wife do to you if the cost is not justified? ???

Mr. Jones

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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2011, 05:28:20 PM »

Okay my turn... ;D I just set up my CM-15a to my old set up. My old set up was 3 montion sensors with 3 wireless cameras through the TM751 to VCR commander. System worked fine for over a year but now I wanted to record to my computer instead. So I went out and got the CM-15a and all the other stuff I needed and found out that the receiver part of the Cm-15a isn't as good as the TM751 is. I too went out and did jumping jacks in front of the one motion sensor and it didn't trigger all the time. The other two trigger right away. I'm thinking on moving the motion sensor closer to the CM-15a to see if that works, or adding the wire to the antenna of the CM-15a. I know it doesn't have anything to do with interference because I don't live there and it's in a very remote location. The only thing running in the house is the fridge, furnace, one clock, and some plug in mouse deterrent devices. I also put new batteries in all my motion sensors. Would the large metal garage door be a problem? It's between the transmitter and reciever? I also have a fire door between the two also. Would plugging in the TM751 in the garage do any help or just cause some more problems? Thanks


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Re: Eagle Eye motion sensor not triggering
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2011, 05:36:09 PM »

Would the large metal garage door be a problem? It's between the transmitter and reciever? I also have a fire door between the two also.
Large metal objects in direct line of sight will degrade RF signals.
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