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Author Topic: Weird problem with door/window sensor  (Read 4934 times)


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Weird problem with door/window sensor
« on: April 21, 2010, 08:17:43 PM »

The window sensor in my master bath has this weird problem that it frequently does not report to the security console. It sometimes also doesn't seem to send signal that can reach the security console when I slide the window open, even though the light on the sensor does blink. Oddly, pressing the test button on the sensor does send signal that reaches the security console. Is triggering by sliding the window open and pressing the test button different, even though they both cause the light on the sensor to blink?

That's the only sensor that I seem to have problem with, and it is at the far end of my house from the security console. Putting another sensor near the same location seems to have the same problem. What I don't understand is why pressing the test button seems to work all the time, if it is a signal strength problem?

I wonder what can be my solution to this problem. Anyone has experience with a similar situation? Thanks!

HA Dave

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Re: Weird problem with door/window sensor
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2010, 08:35:36 PM »

.... Oddly, pressing the test button on the sensor does send signal that reaches the security console. Is triggering by sliding the window open and pressing the test button different, even though they both cause the light on the sensor to blink?

Yes. I don't know why they label that button "test". In actually... pressing the "test" button actually causes the sensor to issue a new registration code. The different registration codes are how the console can tell the sensors from one another. The proper way to test the sensor is place the console on "run 2" and then open the window. That is the way the directions explain it:

« Last Edit: April 21, 2010, 08:38:19 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Weird problem with door/window sensor
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2010, 08:50:12 PM »

If it is a range problem try a passive antenna mod. Tape or otherwise  fasten a 18-1/2" length of wire such as from a metal clothes hanger to the left hand side of the  DS10A.  This clearer up my problem with one that is around 70 ' from the console and inside of an aluminum out building.  Once I saw it worked well I used Goop to fasten it to the case.

My original problem post

Mine would chime the console if the door was opened  but you could not arm the alarm as the open door LED stayed on. Two days since antenna mod and no problem as yet.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2010, 08:52:43 PM by everydayflyer »


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Re: Weird problem with door/window sensor
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2010, 03:28:12 PM »

Thanks, Dave, for refreshing my memory. The "test" button is confusing, and I forgot what it truly does after a while. That's my mistake #1.

Everydayflyer's tip works like a charm. I used a metal cloth hanger, and it seems to work reliably so far. I do seem to have a range problem, with the same "window always open" issue. It's no longer acting like that with this trick. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks all for helping out. This community is great!
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