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Author Topic: Closing Doors  (Read 7113 times)


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Closing Doors
« on: May 04, 2010, 07:16:51 PM »

Hi all,

In several bedrooms we have regular doors that open and close (i.e

I am trying to find a way to automate closing them. Was thinking I can have a motor that pushes the door closed when turned off. Then can have an X10 module to turn it on and off when I want to close the door.

Does anyone have an idea what I may be able to use for this 'door closing motor'? Once I find something, the X10 part should be easy.

Thanks so much,

HA Dave

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Re: Closing Doors
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2010, 08:38:47 PM »

...... Was thinking I can have a motor that pushes the door closed when turned off. Then can have an X10 module to turn it on and off when I want to close the door.

Does anyone have an idea what I may be able to use for this 'door closing motor'?

Commercial door closers are readily available. Maybe...then just X10 a series of electric door release/locks.

Is this for some sort of fire control or handicap access?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 08:42:41 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Closing Doors
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2010, 09:08:10 PM »

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the response.

This is not for handicap or fire -- just the lazy :-) I would like to be able to close the bedroom door from my bed.

Is the idea here that the Norton commercial door closer automatically closes the door, while the Rixson holds it open? If I want to close it, I use X10 to trigger the Rixson to release the holding open of the door. At that point the Norton can close the door.

Am I understanding the implementation correctly? Seems like it could work.

Thanks so much,

HA Dave

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Re: Closing Doors
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2010, 11:23:05 PM »

......... Am I understanding the implementation correctly? Seems like it could work.

Yeah... but for a home application... it could be done much cheaper. There are hinge-springs door closers... that replace the pin on your door hinge. They only cost a few dollars. Then you could make a clasp... maybe using a 12 volt solenoid to pull open/close... and release the door. A Universal Module (UM506) could handle the switching/releasing.
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Re: Closing Doors
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2010, 03:37:34 AM »

Thanks so much Dave, I will have to give this a go.

Do you have any ideas for opening the same type of door, if I wanted to be able to both open and close?

HA Dave

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Re: Closing Doors
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2010, 09:37:35 AM »

... Do you have any ideas for opening the same type of door, if I wanted to be able to both open and close?

Many... many years ago I worked briefly for an electrician. On one occasion we did repair a motorized/automated door at a grocery store. I know there are now units designed for home use. These kind of items are pretty much used as mobility aides and are unfortunately not cheap.

I did a quick search at YouTube and found this Rube Goldberg Automatic Door Opener. Entertaining... but likely not helpful.

You may be on your own to search and experiment and test and develop something new... or a new use for something already available. Whereas there are plenty of us lazy types... [that are eager and willing to work many hours to save a minute or two here and there...] your efforts could also have a positive impact on many others (with a greater need) as well. Be sure to keep us up on any progress you make.

I almost wish I hadn't noticed your original post. As now ideas of how to simply open and close a standard interior door... are stuck running through my mine... like an old song that replays over and over.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 09:44:25 AM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Closing Doors
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2010, 11:51:59 AM »

For now I am going with the 'commercial' setup. Rixsons are not too expensive on ebay. I bought a lot of 3 units for about $31 shipped (

For door closer, I'll probably get the spring hinge you mentioned. Looks cheap and simple.

I'll post when I put everything together. I think door opening would be great, but for now closing will be sufficient. Mainly want to be able to close the door from bed, so as not to kill a romantic mood by having to get up and close the door.

Maybe in the future I'll mess with a pull solenoid for opening...

dave w

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Re: Closing Doors
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2010, 12:03:25 PM »

Do you have any ideas for opening the same type of door, if I wanted to be able to both open and close?
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Re: Closing Doors
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2010, 12:33:54 PM »

To open the door:

what about a length of string attached to the door knob going to your bed?   rofl

no seriously though, some of the knobs in my house are rounded and some have the handle. In the case of the handle maybe some nicely routed 'string' and an add-a-motor. That way it could pull the handle and pull the door open at the same time. In the case of the rounded handle, or a neater installation you would have to attach the string to the rear of the door catch to pull it back inside the door.
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