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Author Topic: My new DS7000 dialing also doesn't work.  (Read 4386 times)


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My new DS7000 dialing also doesn't work.
« on: May 04, 2010, 12:57:53 PM »

I've read several posts here, on other sites, the x10 knowledge base, etc.

I have Time Warner phone, cable, & internet.

My dialing function doesn't work.  I programmed in my cell phone # to all 4 memory locations.  And I recorded a message.

When I trigger my security console, I don't get a call to my cell phone.  I can just vaguely hear it when I plug in & listen with the little ear piece.  Also, when I pick up my home phone, I can hear my security message a little better.  Even more interesting, when I press "0" on my home phone, my security console will stop alarming and I can hear what's going on in the room from the security console.  I can't tell by listening on the ear piece or my home phone just how many digits are being dialed from the Console (but I do hear a few dial blips).

So, any ideas or suggestions on how I can make this work?  Thanks.


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Re: My new DS7000 dialing also doesn't work.
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2010, 07:51:43 PM »

I added a DSL filter and this seems to have helped, a little, at least the Console appears to have dialed a full number.  But it dials the wrong number...not really close to what I program in.

X10 Tech Spt says to return it and try another one.

At least I can say the advice about adding a DSL Filter (even if don't have DSL, but instead cable digital phone) seems to help.

Brian H

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Re: My new DS7000 dialing also doesn't work.
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2010, 07:54:35 PM »

We have seen other threads on cable phones not dialing correctly with the console.
I did a search and found a few there maybe more.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 07:58:25 PM by Brian H »


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Re: My new DS7000 dialing also doesn't work.
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2010, 08:30:46 PM »

i have the same problem with Vonage.   I cannot call a number with the digit 3 in it.  Fortunately, we have enough phones in the family that at least one of them doesn't have a 3.  I suspect that the tones from the dialer are not close enough or the Vonage (or Time Warner) do not have enough slop to accurately decode them, or both.  I hope over time that the dialers will ger more accurate.
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