Many Thanks.
I have a bunch of sensors I can use, mainly from sensors like the one that Dave_x10_L was talking about. Burned out a few from just playing with them. They work great, but after the last water leak at the business of which took out most of our java and coffee equipment with damages to our establishment as well as the pharmacy next door in the thousands, thank god for insurance.
The need was to instigate a water sensor and trigger reliably to the X10 system and then at least I would have had that phone call at the time it happend. Mind you, due to the fact the water break occurred in a flex line feeding our gaggia espresso machine. When that blew, it sprayed water over all our vital equipment and that resulted in equipment overheating before blowing the breakers. The hot water stored in the coffee machines was released and THAT hot water then triggered my MS10 sensor and set off the alarm.
That was nice, but too late to save anything. We estimated that from the time the water line blew until the alarm was triggered was about at least 45 minutes. We knew this from the Video Cam and Blue Iris, which picked up the motion of water from one cam, didn't have any cams on the equipment and didn't have Blue Iris set to trigger its alarm, if motion was seen.
All the same, the clean up was done and back to normal business the next day. I have since set the cams to help pick up sooner any occurrence of water or fire or such to help reach the problem faster and save my butt.
But when all was done, we get a wild rain storm that dumped a tone of rain at 2 am. The sump pump float in our home was trapped by my junk I left behind and in comes the water. The simple alarm like Dave mentioned did its job, but damn, it only had a 12" wire and left over the sump pump, in the sump pump room with the WELL insulated solid door closed. By the time we responded, could have been a hour or so, we had enough water to keep us busy for week to clean up. Thank god it was only rain water, many people in our area had, storm, sanitary and river water a foot high in their basement.
I have equipment to take care of problems when they occur, I just need to be able to react to them faster.
This project should work well for me. I will test to see how long of a wire for the sensor I could use with a 9v battery.
This application is needed for uses in kitchens, bathrooms, sump pump room, hot water tank and other possible area of water damage occurrence around the house and Business.
Many thanks for the confimation.
A helpfull to all.