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Author Topic: Vanguard Remote Viewing Software and MAC  (Read 10399 times)


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Vanguard Remote Viewing Software and MAC
« on: July 08, 2010, 10:51:28 AM »


   I've read throughout the forums that X10 does not make or support software compatible with the MAC OS.  However, I know there are tons of MAC user's out there like me that have gotten their X10 remote camera systems to work and was curious if someone might be able to share the work-around with me.  I'd like to run the Vanguard Remote client from my MAC, it would act as the server.  I then would be able to take my Windows Laptop and view my camera's images via the Vanguard web browser (  Is there a work-around to get this to work with MAC or possible some sort of Windows emulation program that can be used?   
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